Brock Lesnar
Brock Lesnar. Image Credits: Twitter

The final chapter of Brock Lesnar vs. Cody Rhodes went down at Summerslam 2023 where the two battled it out in a singles contest. It was supposed to be a stipulated showdown but WWE ultimately didn’t book the match under any special environment. After all said and done, it was Rhodes who had his arms raised upon the victory.

Following Summerslam 2023, Cody Rhodes said that he’s incredibly grateful for what Brock Lesnar did for him on the show. Cody was mentioning how Lesnar put him over after the match by shaking hands and hugging it out with him. In his statement from a press conference, Cody mentioned how he always looks up to Lesnar the same way his father Dusty Rhodes looked up to Harley Race.

The American Nightmare said Cody has finally found his character, truly. Besides, what Lesnar did for him, one has to earn it, and Cody thinks that he has earned it for real.

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Summerslam 2023: Triple H talked about the ultimate respect between Cody and Brock

Also, during the press conference after SummerSlam 2023, Triple H spoke about Brock Lesnar and Cody Rhodes’ moment a bit and he confirmed that the ultimate show of respect after the match was not part of the scripted plan, at all,

“I know that Cody said he hasn’t had time yet to digest the Brock Lesnar moment after their match. Completely unplanned, completely in the moment, and for me, you know, Brock Lesnar is such a unique athlete, but I don’t think he gets the credit for being one of the all-time greats at this, right? You know, unbelievable athlete at the highest of levels, but just talking about sports entertainment, in my opinion, one of the greatest of all time.”

While plugging in the success of Summerslam 2023, Triple H also mentioned the rise of Cody Rhodes in the WWE continues. The good thing is that he never fails to deliver when it comes to big matches.

We will have to wait and see what could be waiting next for Brock Lesnar and Cody Rhodes. Odds are that The Beast Incarnate might need another break from WWE programming since the biggest event of the summer is over. As for Cody Rhodes, he will likely continue as a full-time Superstar on the Raw brand.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.