Renee Young
courtesy Twitter

Renee Young apparently had to digest a lot of heats from WWE for revealing that she was affected with COVID-19. WWE has dealt with quite a few coronavirus cases in the past few months. From the get-go, the instructions were clear from the company that the superstars can’t disclose their names, directly on social media.

The former WWE employee did the exact same thing while informing it to the public and thereby make her colleagues aware of her exposure to the deadly virus so that they could get precautions. However, WWE never liked her way, as per the previous reports. Now Renee Young herself confirmed the same during a recent conversation.

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Renee Young Admits WWE Wasn’t Happy With Her COVID-19 News

While appearing in an interview with Sports Illustrated Media Podcast with Jimmy Traina, the former WWE Backstage host recalled how she sent out the tweet to reveal the news. She was doing it because she wanted to make sure if anyone around her those should get tested due to coming in contact with her.

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But then obviously it wasn’t a good idea as per the below statement of Renee Young,

“But yeah, it was … not well-received.”

“Well I tweeted it in the evening west coast time. So by the time I woke up was like a couple texts. You shouldn’t … not even that like you shouldn’t have posted it, but it was like, ‘We really wish that you gave us a heads up that you were gonna post it.’ It was, you know, bad for PR and whatnot.

But again, I just like, I wouldn’t have even thought to be like, ‘Hey guys, I’m gonna tweet that I have COVID!’ That was just not what I was thinking about when I posted about it.”

Back in June when Renee Young did test positive, Dave Meltzer reported in an edition of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter that she didn’t receive any contact from top officials of the WWE namely Vince McMahon, Kevin Dunn, Paul Levesque, or Mark Carrano. They apparently cared the least about the well-being of the valuable talent. But a lot of her colleagues did contact her.

This could be one of the reasons why Renee Young’s frustrations with WWE increased in recent times. FOX canceled her Backstage gig owing to the Coronavirus pandemic related budget cuts while she didn’t want to become a backstage interviewer again that could have been a demotion for her. It’s yet to be seen what she opts to do next in her career.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.