Kurt Angle
Kurt Angle. Image Credits: Twitter

WWE Hall of Famer Kurt Angle played the role of the SmackDown General Manager back in 2004. This storytime lasted for only 4 months but it was a really fun story and the Olympic gold medalist did an amazing job as a heel General Manager. Angle had been one of the best heels in professional wrestling history.

After WrestleMania XX, Angle old is hamstring during a segment with Vince McMahon and WWE turned it into a storyline where they appointed Angle as the new General Manager of SmackDown. During the time angle was having a feud with WWE Hall of Famer Eddie Guerrero, and even after becoming the General Manager, his main focus remained on making Eddie’s life miserable.

Kurt Angle
Kurt Angle. Image Credits: Twitter

Kurt Angle Remembers Incident Leading Up To His Smackdown General Manager Storyline

It was a very fun storyline and WWE fans really love to hate Kurt Angle during the time. At the end of this saga, it was revealed that Angle was faking the injury just to take the advantage of his new role to make Eddie Guerrero suffer even more. Angle recently spoke on his Kurt Angle Show Podcast on this angle, he said;

“That was fun but I’m not gonna lie to you, I pulled my hamstring (in that segment with Vince McMahon on SmackDown)… I was inactive for six months, okay? And I know I get injured all the time but, I was inactive for six months. I didn’t do anything because I had to pretend like I was in a wheelchair and I was doing this in airports and outside everywhere. So Vince says, ‘Listen, when I grab your crutch, I’m gonna swing for you. I’m gonna try to hit you.

Kurt Angle
Kurt Angle. Image Credits: Twitter

Kurt Angle Played The Role Of Smackdown General Manager In 2004

“You’re gonna have to duck really hard’ and he was trying to hit me. He was trying to take my head off and every time I ducked, a couple times when I ducked, my hamstrings started to tear a little bit and I was like, ‘Oh sh*t.’ So I was like, oh man, I’m gonna be back on the injury reserve list. This was classic Vince McMahon. This is what he does best and it was a really cool segment.

“You know what? I’m gonna be honest with you and a lot of people know this, some people do. The 2004 G.M. role, I was heavily sedated with painkillers. I had a bit of a problem and I think that’s a lot of the reason why Vince was really swinging for me (he laughed).”

Kurt Angle
Kurt Angle. Image Credits: Twitter

In an episode of Smackdown in July of the mentioned year, Vince McMahon appeared on television and fired Angle from his role of the General Manager of Smackdown and he continued working as a wrestler once again. This storyline might have been really fun but it is not much remembered these days anymore.

H/T to POST Wrestling

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