Michael Cole
Michael Cole. Image Credits: Twitter

WrestleMania 27 had been the bar fest of terrible matches back to back. Except for a couple of matches, all of them were awful and none of them was WrestleMania standard. And some of them should never have been booked.

One of them being the Michael Cole vs. Jerry Lawler match which no one liked. These are some of the terrible products of the PG era. WWE tried their best to build Michael Cole as the top heel of the company back then. Well, fans hated Cole really, but that is not because WWE wanted fans to him, they hated him for the same reason that makes fans still hate him.

Michael Cole
Michael Cole. Image Credits: Twitter

Jim Ross Remembers Michael Cole vs. Jerry Lawler From WrestleMania 27

Jim Ross during a recent episode of the Grilling Jr. looked back at this terrible match. He gave his honest views on this match by saying;

It was too long. That killed it. You’re telling me that a Hall of Fame guy like Lawler can’t beat an announcer with his finish. That’s what they should’ve done. Overthought, overanalyzed because Vince had made this big investment in turning Michael Cole heel. The voice of reason, the lead play-by-play guy we need to trust and believe in was turned heel because of Vince and his quest and obsession to reinvent things that did not need reinvention.

Michael Cole
Michael Cole. Image Credits: Twitter

But 13 minutes, way too long. The DQ finish was weaker than a plateful of piss. It told me where Vince’s head was as far as Cole is concerned, and therefore I knew when I got the call on Monday morning to come back to RAW, I knew why. They’ve gotta get something back on Cole to get him made whole again after the DQ finish. The finish took away everything they’d built – both guys worked hard on this thing.

Michael Cole
Michael Cole. Image Credits: Twitter

There were more examples that made WrestleMania 27 one of the worst WrestleManias in history. The Miz featured on the main event on the night. He won the money in the bank and cashed in his opportunity to win the WWE title, nobody in that time wanted to see Miz on the main event of WrestleMania.

On the same night, Kane won the Money in the Bank too. But he was not allowed to retain his title till WrestleMania, in fact, he was totally removed from the title picture and was given an awful eight-man tag team booking. Kane was never given a main event match or a World Title match on WrestleMania, this was the best time to feature him, but they did not do it.

There are a lot more to talk about this event, we will do that in a separate story some other day.

Credit: Grilling JR. H/T 411Mania.