Rock. Image Credits: Twitter

WWE Superstar The Rock is one of the toughest dudes in the Hollywood industry who is set to become a Superhero. He goes through a lot of things in a day due to his commitments to work but he makes sure that he doesn’t miss his time in the gym. After all, he has a jacked body to retain which many admire all around the world. This earned him the first spot to visit America, a few weeks ago.

The Rock was seemingly busy in training sessions when a predator bird might have been able to distract him for a bit from working out. The former WWE Champion had to hold off on his plans a bit after the bird passed by through his window with food in its beak.

WWE Legend The Rock Stopped Working Out By Hungry Hawk 1

A shared on Instagram, The Rock posted a video of a hawk eating a snake on the roof, recently. He couldn’t help but gazing at it who eventually took the camera to film the incident. He stopped sweating out for a bit, acting as the cameraman.

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Check out the full caption provided by the biggest paid actor in Hollywood, today,

“It’s either this hawk’s Copperhead snake ?? or my weekend workout ??

I tried to open the door with some firm DJ energy and instead of flying away, he got pissed and hasn’t stopped ka kaw’ng me since ?

Clearly, we both have a few things in common ?? but he’s gotta eat and I gotta train….Wish me luck, this could get ugly.”

The Rock wrapped up shooting Black Adam

The Hawk must have prevented The Rock from shredding a few calories for the day but he is surely going to make that up by spending a few minutes more, the next time around.

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WWE Legend The Rock Stopped Working Out By Hungry Hawk 2

For the past several months, The Rock dedicated a lot of time to film the Black Adam project of DC and all that work should give a pay-off in a big way. The DC Universe is likely to change forever same once that film drops.

The Great One has already confirmed, recently that he wrapped up the principal shooting schedule for Black Adam. Now it is in the hands of the editing team where they will add a plethora of CGI to polish up the picture.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.