Ways How FC Promote Gambling
Ways How FC Promote Gambling

Football is extremely popular in the United Kingdom and it is a passion we all have. But, did you know that football clubs have been promoting gambling using multiple ways? This is something that needs to be cleared more and something you need to know more about. Below we are going to reveal all of that.

BGC Limits

You probably have heard of Betting and Gambling Council or BGC. They control betting and gambling in the United Kingdom and they are very interested in how football clubs have been promoting gambling. It is one of the reasons why you do not find any sports gambling sites without GamStop promoted by football clubs in the UK. The goal here is to put an end to promoting betting on sports among people under 18 years of age. That’s why one of the latest rules was to make all posts on social media and other platforms unavailable for people under 18 years of age. This is done due to obvious reasons and we are looking at positive results instantly.

Social Media Promoting

Football clubs have been known to promote betting and gambling. The best examples are Manchester City, Arsenal, and many others. They have been doing this via social media the most. It is a free method that can reach millions within seconds. We all know that each of these

teams has a huge base of followers and therefore can reach all of them via a single post instantly. The best options are Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Most people have been using these social media platforms.

This type of promotion is done due to obvious reasons. Football clubs need a budget from the gambling industry and the gambling industry needs more bettors and gamblers. It looks like a win-win combination of teamwork. But, the goal is to promote betting responsibly. All of the aforementioned teams and many more were mandated to promote betting more responsibly and become more careful about posts before matches. These posts are known to encourage people to try betting more and they risk their money.

Keep in mind that social media is not the only option here. Football clubs have been using T-shirts, logos, and all kinds of other things to promote betting and gambling partners. Fans love these and they want to help their team and also have more fun.

An Interesting Connection

The connection between gambling and betting sites and football clubs is impressive and definitely interesting. It is a massive or better said a huge connection that has a huge impact on people from all over the globe.

As we have mentioned earlier, this is a win-win combination. Football teams get funds to promote betting and betting companies get punters to bet on their sites or in physical establishments. Both sides generate more income and both can invest more in overall advancement. This has been done for ages and it is something that cannot be easily changed. If it stops, we are looking at a massive problem.

If the betting industry stops paying for promotions to football clubs, they will lose a massive income. They won’t be able to pay for further promotions which brings all kinds of issues and an obvious lack of new punters. If football clubs lose these sponsors, they won’t be able to advance and they will become less powerful which will result in the loss of fans. So, ending this cooperation is not an option. It is a difficult thing to stop and one that should exist but with some changes.

First of all, we have a lot of small teams that don’t get a lot of sponsors. These do deserve more sponsors and this is one of the best ways to transform football into something even better. But, betting industry giants are not interested in promoting these clubs. They don’t have a huge potential and they cannot reach a massive base of fans as large teams can. This is a sad truth and something we hope will change in the near future.

The only issue here is that this large-scale promotion can reach a lot of people who suffer from gambling addiction or who have related issues. These people need help and they should avoid all types of betting and gambling, hopefully, they receive a lot of support from the UKGC. It is a mandatory thing we all consider and we all need to know more about it. Luckily there are a lot of options for people with gambling addiction. They can use platforms such as GamStop or similar ones and distance themselves from betting as long as needed.

The Final Word

In the end, all we can say is that betting and gambling industry giants have been using football clubs to get more punters. They can generate more income and invest more into promotions. This also means that football clubs can invest more in training, new players, and more. Football clubs have been doing this for ages and it is one of the most essential types of promotion today.