Bruce Prichard
Bruce Prichard. Image Credits: Twitter

Professional wrestling Legend Bruce Prichard aka Brother Love recently revealed that there was a wrestler in WWE whom Stephanie Mcmahon thought would be the next big thing. He revealed that the wrestler was a participant from the Tough Enough season 4 competition of the WWE. His name was Daniel Rodimer and he had a short time period in WWE as a wrestler as well.

Daniel Rodimer made his television debut as a participant of the fourth season of Tough Enough competition. Season 4 of the Tough Enough competition was the most important of all the Tough Enough competitions seems it produced the most number of big stars. The winner off the competition was Daniel Puder who later became an MMA star and he had an amazing record in MMA.

Bruce Prichard
Bruce Prichard. Image Credits: Twitter

Bruce Prichard Reveals Which Wrestler Stephanie McMahon Thought Would Be A Big Star

Except of Daniel Puder, the competition also produced wrestlers like Nick Mitchell who later became a member of the Spirit Squad as Mitch, it also produced Ryan Reeves who later became Ryback. And of course it produced one of the biggest WWE stars of all time, Mike Mizanin aka The Miz. The former two times WWE World champion was the runner up of the competition. He was signed as a professional wrestler in WWE back in 2006 after two years of the end of the competition.

Tough Enough season 4 also starred Daniel Rodimer. The competition was mostly held during the episodes of Smackdown in 2004 and all the participants were introduced to WWE Universe. It seemed like Rodimer had an attitude problem, something that could make him an amazing heel.

Bruce Prichard
Bruce Prichard. Image Credits: Twitter

He had a great physique as well, he was 6’7″ and over 300 lbs, he could have been a top star of the WWE in the near future. He even had a try out in the development territories of WWE in 2006-2007. But things did not go pretty well for him and he retired from Professional wrestling in 2007.

Bruce Prichard aka Brother Love recently spoke on his where Something To Wrestle podcast he revealed that there was a wrestler in WWE whom Stephanie Mcmahon thought would be the next big thing. He revealed that the wrestler was a participant from the Tough Enough season 4 competition of the WWE and it was Daniel Rodimer. He said;

Bruce Prichard
Bruce Prichard. Image Credits: Twitter

“Well, I think that a lot of people like Dan. Big Dan, when you looked at him, that was someone that you could see, you know, on a poster for WrestleMania. He had the look. He had the personality. However, he was missing ‘it.’

“He approached the business as a work instead of approaching it as a shoot and then working it. That’s the big mistake with people. When they approach it, in the business, if you approach this as a work, ‘Hey man’, you just get through it because it’s all gaga, it will never get over. It may get over for a time, but it won’t stay over.”

H/T to Inside The Ropes for the transcript