Brock Lesnar
Brock Lesnar. Image Credits: Twitter

Professional wrestling legend and WWE Hall of Famer Bubba Ray Dudley who is a nine times WWE Tag Team Champion recently said that the eight times WWE World Champion Brock Lesnar did not get enough respect and appreciation that he deserved.

Brock Lesnar made his debut in the world of professional wrestling nearly two decades ago. In this long period of time, the Beast Incarnate spent a big time in the world of MMA. But even with this time gap, he had an amazing career in professional wrestling and it is still going really quite strong. He is still considered as one of the biggest stars in the world of professional wrestling today.

Brock Lesnar
Brock Lesnar. Image Credits: Twitter

Bubba Ray Dudley Thinks Brock Lesnar Does Not Get The Respect He Deserves

In this long period of time he had some excellent rivalries. Some of the mentionable feuds of his career are, his feud with Kurt Angle from 2003, Goldberg has been one of the biggest Rivals of Brock Lesnar as well. Another huge Rival of the beast incarnate had been The Undertaker. The feud between the Undertaker and Lesnar is really memorable because Lesnar did the unthinkable against the Undertaker, he defeated his legendary WrestleMania streak.

Brock Lesnar is not only a big name in professional wrestling but he is quite a big name in the Mixed Martial Arts as well. After he thought he was done with his professional wrestling career in 2007 he joined the world of MMA and was having an excellent time, just like he enjoying his amazing time in professional wrestling as well.

He was having an amazing record in the UFC in his five year UFC year. But with time passing by, he was losing his touch in the UFC. In 2012, he decided to go back to WWE once again. He began his return to WWE with a feud against John Cena. He was built as the biggest deal of the promotion after he defeated the undefeated streak of the Undertaker.

Brock Lesnar
Brock Lesnar. Image Credits: Twitter

He kept on winning the WWE championship and been portrayed as an Unstoppable force. He was beaten a very few number of times in WWE. Recently he was seen having a feud with the WWE Universal champion Roman Reigns which started from Summerslam and it is likely to continue till WrestleMania 38.

Bubba Ray Dudley who is a nine times WWE Tag Team Champion recently spoke to Busted Open Radio where he said that the eight times WWE World Champion Brock Lesnar did not get enough respect and appreciation that he deserved. He said;

“Just as Roman is going to cave in Paul’s [Heyman] head via what looked to be a one-man Con-Chair-To, the music hits and the place erupted.

Brock Lesnar
Brock Lesnar. Image Credits: Twitter

“Did the place erupt for a babyface? No. Did the place erupt for a heel? No. The place erupted for a superstar.

“A superstar that people refuse to give the right amount of respect and props to. You know, Roman has this whole thing, ‘Acknowledge Me,’ as as ‘The Head of The Table.’ If anybody should truly be acknowledged in the wrestling business it’s Brock Lesnar because Brock is so damn good at what he does.

“And he’s so smart but a lot of ‘smart’ fans who are actually dumb as the freakin’ day is long don’t get it. Brock is a megastar. Brock is on the same level as Austin and Rock but because Brock had come and gone a little bit, you don’t really see it.”

H/T to SEScoops for the transcript