Goldberg. Image Credits: Twitter

Professional wrestling legend and WWE Hall of Famer Eric Bischoff who was the former Boss of WCW recently talked about the former WCW World Heavyweight Champion Goldberg and said that he is the hardest person to work with in the professional wrestling ring.

Goldberg was one of the fewest wrestlers actually created by World Championship Wrestling unlike WWE, the promotion that was famous for creating new starts throughout the ages. During the Monday Night Wars, WCW depended on some of the biggest names of professional wrestling back in the time WWE relied on new talents that they created themselves. And this strategy helped WWE conquer WCW in the famous Monday Night Wars.

Goldberg. Image Credits: Twitter

WWE RAW – Eric Bischoff Thinks Goldberg Is The Hardest Man To Work With In Wrestling

But there are very few names that WCW created themselves. One of them were Goldberg who made his professional wrestling debut in 1996 in WCW. From the very first day he had been very impressive in WCW ring. He started an undefeated streak which continued for a tremendous 173-0 before it was finally broken by Kevin Nash at Starrcade 1998. The undefeated streak of Bill was considered as one of the most iconic things ever booked in professional wrestling.

Eric Bischoff

The fame of Goldberg back in the time was reaching Sky. Even though he stopped wrestling after WWE bought WCW, he made his return to the professional wrestling in 2003 in WWE and worked for one year. After his match against Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania XX, he went out of special wrestling and remained absent for over 12 years.

Goldberg. Image Credits: Twitter

In 2016 he made his return once again. Since then he kept on making sporadic appearances. Being one of the best stars of WCW, it is a little harsh from Eric Bischoff to address him in such a way.

Eric Bischoff who was the former Boss of WCW recently spoke on his 83 Weeks podcast where he talked about the former WCW world heavyweight champion Goldberg and said that he is the hardest person to work with in the professional wrestling ring. He said;

Goldberg. Image Credits: Twitter

“I think on a consistent basis, it would have been Bill Goldberg, not necessarily in a bad way. Bill was a very intense person, emotional, didn’t have a lot of experience, and was pretty uncomfortable in a pro wrestling environment when he first got there.

“As a result, you take someone with a very intense personality and a bit of a perfectionist who puts a lot of pressure on himself, but also lacking a lot of the experience and comfort that comes with experience, you get a guy that’s a little hard to handle, or sometimes, a lot hard to handle. But, that’s not necessarily a bad thing, it’s just a thing.”

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