Matt Hardy
Matt Hardy. Image Credits: Twitter

Professional wrestling legend and former three times WWE World Champion Jeff Hardy who is also a former five times WWE Intercontinental Champion recently looked back at his Wrestlemania 25 match against his own brother Matt Hardy and expressed disappointment with Vince McMahon about the match.

At Wrestlemania 25 WWE organized a brother vs brother feud between Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy. It was the first time the two brothers went head to head in a consistent feud. Jeff was already going through a good time, it was time for Matt Hardy to get some spotlight.

Jeff Hardy
Jeff Hardy. Image Credits: Twitter

Jeff Hardy Expressed Disappointment About His WrestleMania 25 Match

So WWE decided to turn heel and in his first few days as a heel he went head-to-head with his own brother. Jeff remained babyface because a heel Jeff was something that fans would not like to see, similar to a heel Rey Mysterio.

The outcome of the match was quite shocking. It was won by Matt Hardy and by the time Jeff was a main event star. Fans hardly expected Jeff would be losing the match. But WWE wanted to push Matt Hardy in that time, so WWE thought a victory over a world champion and that is also at the grandest stage of them all would have been a great push.

Jeff Hardy
Jeff Hardy. Image Credits: Twitter

But Jeff’s disappointment is somewhere else. He revealed that he and Matt had a longer time scheduled for their match which was later cut short by Vince McMahon. It was booked for only thirteen minutes. There was some terrible matches book in the 25th anniversary of Wrestlemania and got unnecessary booking times.

For example the miss Wrestlemania 25 Battle Royal which is considered as one of the worst matches in the history of Wrestlemania. It was actually a missed opportunity by WWE not to book Matt Hardy Vs Jeff Hardy for longer.

Jeff Hardy who is also a former five times WWE Intercontinental Champion recently spoke on Stone Cold Steve Austin‘s Broken Skull Sessions where he looked back at his Wrestlemania 25 match against his own brother Matt Hardy and expressed disappointment with Vince McMahon about the match. He said;

Jeff Hardy
Jeff Hardy. Image Credits: Twitter

“We got cut a lot of time off that match. I’ll never forget this. And I was so upset because we had to cut out several spots. I was so passionate and upset. We didn’t get to do it in front of that crowd. And that was one time me and Vince did have a conversation after that.

“[I] think he kind of liked it. He saw how mad I was because I was like throwing stuff [and I was like] ‘can’t believe we didn’t get do that stuff we wanted to do.’ We did plenty. More than enough. But still the passion within me really ignited that night after the match. I was really upset.”

H/T to for the transcript