Steve Austin
Steve Austin. Image Credits: Twitter

Professional wrestling legends Jim Ross who is currently working as a commentator in the All Elite Wrestling recently talked about his intense conversation with once he had with Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Stone Cold Steve Austin started his professional wrestling career back in 1989. He got his first recognition while working for WCW. He was known as Stunning Steve Austin during his WCW days. In 1995 he arrived in WWE and he was repackaged as the Ringmaster. It took a little time to grow the Stone Cold Steve Austin character in him.

Steve Austin
Steve Austin. Image Credits: Twitter

Jim Ross Looked Back At An Intense Conversation He Had With Steve Austin

At WrestleMania 13, he wrestled Bret “The Hitman” Hart in a submission match. He might have lost the match but he got Enough recognition from the fans to this match and everybody understood what he was capable of.

This match, according to a lot of fans and critics marked the birth of Stone Cold character. It also marked the beginning of the Attitude Era, which is considered to be the most famous and iconic time period of the WWE. One of the biggest feuds of the time was the feud between Austin and Vince McMahon. A Feud between and employee and the owner is quite common now a days in professional wrestling, but back then it was something totally new and nobody ever saw something like this before.

The feud between Austin and Vince McMahon surpassed the popularity of WCW in that time. A lot of fans still believe that this feud was single handedly responsible to defeat WCW during the famous Monday night wars. Austin was involved in some other big feuds as well. His feuds with Shawn Michaels, Kane, The Undertaker, all of them became famous.

Steve Austin
Steve Austin. Image Credits: Twitter

But the most famous one apart from the feud with Vince McMahon has to be the feud between Austin and the Rock. Unfortunately Austin had to quit the world of professional wrestling in 2003 after Wrestlemania XIX because of injury issues.

Jim Ross who is currently working as a commentator in the All Elite Wrestling recently spoke on his Grilling JR podcast where he talked about his intense conversation with once he had with Stone Cold Steve Austin. He said;

“One of the most intense conversations we had on time was about him turning babyface. Goddamn, he hated that. He cussed me and he said, ‘I’m not going for it.’ I said ‘Oh, Jesus Christ.

Steve Austin
Steve Austin. Image Credits: Twitter

“You’re not going to go for it? Why are you here? I know why you’re here, you’re here to make money. Right or wrong?’ I gave him some merchandise numbers of what Hogan earned back in the day and it had been years later, the information had been obsolete but it was accurate.”

“I said ‘You don’t want that t-shirt money? You don’t want that no-bump money? I know you’re smarter than that, that doesn’t make any sense, Steve. Here’s the beautiful part about it, the way you work, you don’t beg off much and you don’t do typical heel sh*t.’

“I said you’re missing the boat and then I remembered when the checks were coming out and I asked the check guy to bring me a list of all the royalty checks, and Austin got a million-dollar check for selling t-shirts, Austin 3-16’s.”

H/T to Wrestling Inc for the transcript