Kane. Image Credits: Twitter

Professional wrestling legend and WWE Hall of Famer Kane who is a former three times WWE World Champion and also a ten times Tag Team Champion in WWE recently looked back at the infamous imposter angle he had in 2006 during the release of his feature film See no Evil.

WWE brought in the imposter angle in order to promote the upcoming movie named See no Evil starring Glenn Jacobs. The movie was a success, but the imposter angle was not. WWE fans did not like the angle at all.

Kane. Image Credits: Twitter

Kane Looks Back At The Imposter Angle

It was when Glenn was having a match which Shelton Benjamin for the WWE Intercontinental Championship. Suddenly a man dressed as 1998-99 Kane appeared and beat down the current Kane. He beat down Glenn and almost every week he started appearing and he was literally beating down Glenn.

At the Vengeance pay-per-view event of the mentioned here the imposter and the original one had a match between each other, in which surprising the impostor won. The most important thing is the fans was not behind this match at all.

That was the time WWE decided to scrap the angle. The very next week the angle was dropped. The person who was playing the imposter was none other than Luke Gallows who was the new star of WWE back in the time.

Kane. Image Credits: Twitter

The most surprising thing about it was, imposter was scheduled to be the real Kane according to reports. Reports also suggest that Vince McMahon was a big fan of the character and he never wanted to end it. So he wanted to continue it with Luke Gallows.

But for some reason the plan was dropped. The actual reason behind dropping the plan has never been revealed but it has been guessed that negative fan reaction caused the end of this angle. Unfortunately, it remained one of the worst angles of Glenn’s career.

Kane who is a former three times WWE World Champion and also a ten times Tag Team Champion in WWE recently participated in a Q&A session with Steel City Con where he looked back at the infamous imposter angle he had in 2006. He said;

Kane. Image Credits: Twitter

“In Drew’s case [Doc Gallows], it’s kind of funny because they had that short-lived Kane thing, right? That he was the imposter Kane and what happened was…So I’d gone down and seen Drew’s outfit and stuff and we’d kind of worked a little bit together before he debuted as that, down where NXT was at that time in Georgia and he’s wearing this wig and it was like a synthetic hair wig and it was terrible and I was like, I remember calling I think Johnny Laurinaitis or someone and saying, ‘It’s great but the wig’s gotta go, okay? The wig looks as fake as all get out.’

“They didn’t switch the wig and there he is on live TV with this frizzy hair and Vince went ballistic. Not at him, but at the fact that the thing looked silly and that was actually why that whole thing was ditched was because Vince thought it made such a terrible impression and actually made Kane, my character look bad because here you have this person — you got this guy with bad hair beating me up basically. But you know, the imposter Kane, you can tell that it was very poorly done.”

H/T and transcribed by Post Wrestling