Brock Lesnar
Brock Lesnar. Image Credits: Twitter

Professional wrestling legend and WWE Hall of Famer Mark Henry who is a former WWE World Heavyweight Champion recently talked about the babyface character that Brock Lesnar is playing right now. He said that he is loving the character and this had been the best thing that had ever happened to Lesnar.

Since returning to WWE in 2012, Brock Lesnar is mostly playing either heel or neutral persona. Lesnar is the monster he that everybody loves to cheer for. It does not matter if he loses or wins, every time he joins a fight, it has to be a legit competition for the opponent. For the most of the time he stars on the main event of any show feature seen.

Roman Reigns
Brock Lesnar. Image Credits: Twitter

Mark Henry Praises The Current Babyface Character Of Brock Lesnar

But it has been very rare to see him working as a baby face in WWE 2012. We have mostly seen him destroying wrestlers, even beating the legendary streak of the Undertaker, but not as a good guy.

After losing to Drew McIntyre at WrestleMania 36, he remained absent from WWE for quite a long time. But he finally made his return at SummerSlam this year after the WWE Universal Heavyweight champion Roman Reigns defeated John Cena.

Brock Lesnar
Brock Lesnar. Image Credits: Twitter

He made his intentions clear when he confronted Roman Reigns. The feud between the duo started from the very time. he is playing a babyface role in spin and fans are loving it since it is quite unlikely to see.

Mark Henry who is a former WWE World Heavyweight Champion recently spoke on where he talked about the babyface character that Brock Lesnar is playing right now. He said that he is loving the character and this had been the best thing that had ever happened to Lesnar. He said;

Brock Lesnar
Brock Lesnar. Image Credits: Twitter

“Just him looking at the hard camera and smiling, it does something to my soul. I think that this is gonna be the best thing that could’ve ever happened to Brock because Brock has got a good personality, y’all. He’s very entertaining.

“His timing is very good and now we get to see that because he’s not stone-faced. He’s not angry Brock all the time. Now, you noticed when Paul Heyman started saying, ‘Reigning, defending,’ Brock’s face turned red. His expression changed.

“Brock can turn it on and turn it off and that’s the specialness of who he is but I just wanted to point that out that this is a Brock that we’ve only seen one time and that was quite a while ago and now we get that Brock every week. It’s awesome.”

H/T and transcribed by Sescoops