Matt Hardy
Matt Hardy. Image Credits: Twitter

Professional wrestling legend and two times TNA World Heavyweight Champion Matt Hardy who is a former eleven times Tag Team Champion in WWE recently pointed out the differences between the fans of WWE and AEW.

AEW is the biggest rival promotion of WWE right now which was founded in 2019. From the very first day of the promotion it showed the world of professional wrestling that it is not here to mess around only.

Matt Hardy
Matt Hardy. Image Credits: Twitter

Matt Hardy Points Out The Differences Between WWE & AEW Fans

But wrestling fans did not take the promotion very seriously until they signed one of the biggest names in professional wrestling today, CM Punk. The Best in the World was absent from the world of professional wrestling for over seven years and by signing him AEW prove that they have come to be the best.

The question always arise who are the fans of AEW? After the death of WCW, the fans of the promotion did not have much option but to tune in to TNA Wrestling. But this new rival of WWE could never offer what fans were actually looking for. In spite of signing big names like Kurt Angle and Sting, the promotion always remained a B show to WWE.

No other company ever tried to compete with WWE, so the fans of WCW and those who did not like WWE and of course the fans who are fed up with the PG product of WWE had no other option to tune in to.

Matt Hardy
Matt Hardy. Image Credits: Twitter

Finally, in 2019 new promotion arrived with some prospects. Fans finally thought they are going to get something fresh, something new. And the new promotion actually offered something new, they offered true professional wrestling, something that was missing from WWE since it turned PG.

WWE has to improve in order to stay in competition. AEW has already provided to great pay per view events which were already getting compared to WrestleMania X-Seven, which according to most of the fans and critics is the best wrestling pay per view event of all time. WWE has to improve its product if they want to master AEW.

Matt Hardy who is a former eleven times Tag Team Champion in WWE recently spoke on the AEW Unrestricted where he pointed out the differences between the fans of WWE and AEW. He said;

Matt Hardy
Matt Hardy. Image Credits: Twitter

“Something I have learned by following AEW’s audience closely, it’s a very different audience than places I have worked at in the past. Impact’s audience, for instance, they are a lot more accepting of things that are more out of the normal parameters of pro wrestling.

“They enjoy that stuff a lot more,” Hardy said. “WWE fans even are a little more into more supernatural stuff. But AEW Dynamite fans, really like the realistic in-ring product of old-school pro wrestling where it stays within the boundaries of reality. I decided to work towards that.”

H/T to WrestlingInc for the quotes