Matt Hardy
Matt Hardy. Image Credits: Twitter

Professional wrestling legend and two times TNA World Heavyweight Champion Matt Hardy who is a former eleven times Tag Team Champion in WWE recently revealed that the Hardy Boys wanted to retire as a tag team.

Matt Hardy is a tag team wrestling specialist as well as a successful singles wrestler as well. Fast and his Fame as a tag team wrestler along with his brother Jeff and kept on working as a tag team for quite a time.

Matt Hardy
Matt Hardy. Image Credits: Twitter

Matt Hardy Reveals Hardy Boys Want To Retire As A Tag Team

In 2002 he started to run solo for the first time in his WWE career after the first brand extension of the promotion. But he could not achieve the same height as his brother until he finally founded the Broken Matt Hardy character in TNA Wrestling.

The Broken character became so famous that the fans kept on asking for the character Since his return to WWE in 2017. WWE was determined to make him work under his previous and actual gimmick.

But the pressure from the fans were so high WWE did not have any other option but to introduce the gimmick to the WWE fans. But the character was called Woken. The fans were so much attached to him still WWE decided not to push him since the idea of the character was not originally from the promotion itself.

Matt Hardy
Matt Hardy. Image Credits: Twitter

In 2020 he finally decided to leave the WWE to join the newly founded professional wrestling promotion the AEW and he was introduced under his broken gimmick. Even though the gimmick was scrapped and was given a new gimmick called “Big Money” and he played this role quite excellently as well. He is continuing the similar gimmick right now and the Broken gimmick is looks to be gone.

Matt Hardy who is a former eleven times Tag Team Champion in WWE recently spoke to The Drive with Josh Graham where he revealed that the Hardy Boys wanted to retire as a tag team. He said;

“That would be fabulous. I know both of us have stated on quite a few occasions that we both want to end our careers the way we began our careers. And that is as a tag team. That was our dream, as two kids growing up, we wanted to be the tag team champions of the world, at least one time.

Matt Hardy
Matt Hardy. Image Credits: Twitter

Obviously we have very fortunately exceeded that many times over. But I think us teaming together and having one last run as a tag team would be amazing. And I couldn’t think of a better place to do it than All Elite Wrestling.

“One thing I have to say about Tony Khan, I can’t put him over enough for this, he is so good and so great at treating legends like legends. And he has such a smart utilization of talent. I cannot commend him enough on it. That’s why AEW has been so successful, because Tony Khan has been the guy in the driver’s seat.

“He has really been putting out a smart product, where he rewards all the wrestling fans in 2021 that are willing to invest a lot of time to watch a product and watch a storyline, watch a rivalry. He always gives them a payoff that’s going to reward them.”

H/T to Wrestling Inc for the transcription