Main Event
Main Event. Image Credits: Twitter

Former two times WWE United States Champion R Truth who is also a former fifty three times WWE 24/7 Champion recently talked about the current WWE Universal Heavyweight Champion Roman Reigns. The forty nine year old said that the Tribal Chief is yet to reach the pinnacle of his career.

Since the very first day of joining the main roster of WWE, Roman Reigns has been the project for WWE to become the next face of the promotion. But the journey from a member of the Shield to become the face of WWE was not been very easy for the Head of the Table. There was a time when fans completely loathed him. But Vince McMahon did not lose faith in him. He knew it very well that someday this big man will become the rightful face of the promotion.

Roman Reigns
Roman Reigns. Image Credits: Twitter

R Truth Thinks Roman Reigns Did Not Reach The Summit Of His Career Yet

But there was a time when WWE was over pushing him. The fans wanted to see other wrestlers to get pushed. For example, in 2014 and 2015, fans were completely behind Daniel Bryan but the main focus of the WWE had always been Reigns.

Naturally fans hated it. And Reigns had to take all the heat of the fans. The X Pac heat on him was so high that WWE could not be consistent with his bookings. He kept on winning championships and big matches but nobody wanted to see him getting pushed.

With time he finally proved the fans that WWE was the right to push him. When he returned to WWE after battling leukaemia, the fans were ready to give him a second chance, and he capitalised it very well. He joined Friday night Smackdown and turned heel.

Roman Reigns
Roman Reigns. Image Credits: Twitter

Since then he had been the consistent face of WWE. He had also been the longest reigning WWE Universal Heavyweight champion and he is carrying the title strongly right now. We are quite sure that he has a lot to offer yet and the best of him is yet to come.

R Truth who is also a former fifty three times WWE 24/7 Champion recently spoke to Corey Graves’ “After The Bell” podcast where he said that the Tribal Chief Roman Reigns is yet to reach the pinnacle of his career. He said;

Roman Reigns
Roman Reigns. Image Credits: Twitter

“I don’t even think he’s reached the pinnacle of his career yet. He’s hotter than hot sauce. He’s matured so much. Forget about sitting in the saddle. He will wear the saddle. He will ride the horse bareback. He will have the horse ride him. He’s bridged gaps. He has that ‘It’ factor. I’ve seen him come up with promos in his head when we were driving, and he’s constantly thinking about it.

“He’s constantly trying to perfect his craft. Even when I would go to Florida and I would go to his house, he’s in the gym. He’s thinking of a promo. He’s thinking of what he’s going to do. I know for a fact that 24/7, he’s trying to perfect his craft and take it higher than he can go.”

H/T to for the transcript