King of The Ring
King of The Ring. Image Credits: Twitter
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King of The Ring
King of The Ring. Image Credits: Twitter

I) Stone Cold Steve Austin

Austin was never intended to win the tournament in 1996. The original plan was to have Triple H as the winner. But after the MSG incident, WWE changed their decision and this change went on to become one of the biggest turning points in WWE history. Austin not only became the biggest star of the Attitude Era, but he will always be remembered as one of the biggest stars WWE ever produced. This tournament was the beginning of Stone Cold Steve Austin and he is indeed the best King of the Ring ever.

Making this list was very difficult as a lot of wrestlers went on to become top stars after winning this tournament. Bret Hart and Brock Lesnar were also great winners but we cannot fit all these wrestlers in a top five list. So no disrespect to the others who could not get into this list. We seriously hope Triple H organizers King & Queen of the Ring as a pay for view event every year and restore its lost glory.

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