King of The Ring
King of The Ring. Image Credits: Twitter
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King of The Ring
King of The Ring. Image Credits: Twitter

I) Mabel

This was one of the most questionable decisions in WWE history. This huge 500 lbs is considered one of the worst in ring workers in WWE history. But we all know that Vince McMahon had a lot of affection towards big men. Mabel even went on to challenge Diesel at the WWE World Championship at SummerSlam of that year. He did not win but Vince had plans to give him the title. Even though there were intentions, he could never be promoted as a top star because of his bad in ring work. Mabel will always be remembered as the worst King of the Ring ever.

Triple H did an amazing job by bringing this prestigious tournament back in the form of a pay per view event after 22 long years. We really hope that WWE organizes the King and Queen of the Ring tournament and once again WWE will be able to promote future top stars through this tournament like they have done in the past and they will not make any more mistakes like we have pointed out in this article.

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