Roman Reigns
Roman Reigns. Image Credits: Twitter

WWE Universal heavyweight champion Roman Reigns is currently out of action after being tested positive for covid-19. But he will be back in no time, and currently he does not have any opponent for his title. And there is no clue either who can face him at WrestleMania 38.

Roman Reigns was scheduled to face Brock Lesnar at the Day 1 pay per view event. But since he was forced to remain out of action, Lesnar was added to the fatal 4 way match for the WWE Championship making it a fatal 5 way match. Since Lesner remained a free agent who could move to both RAW and Smackdown, there was no issues to book him in such a way.

Roman Reigns
Roman Reigns. Image Credits: Twitter

Who Should Roman Reigns Face At WrestleMania 38

It was one of the biggest shocker and it will remain one till the end of this year that Brock Lesnar won the fatal 5 way match to win the WWE Championship match. He also pinned the previous WWE Champion Big E to win the title. It was seriously quite shocking and literally nobody was expecting such an outcome.

With that being done, it is quite obvious that Lesnar is now out of the WWE Universal Championship picture. If they still keep him on the title picture till WrestleMania 38, that would be a terrible decision. The least the fans can want to see is a champion of the champion match between Brock Lesnar and Reigns. This is of course a possibility and it should not happen.

Roman Reigns
Roman Reigns. Image Credits: Twitter

There was, however, a huge possibility of a match between Brock Lesnar and Bobby Lashley for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania 38. This would definitely be a dream match and something the fans would love to see. And the way the duo were prevented to fight from each other during the fatal 5 way match, it seemed like there is a chance of this dream match to take place at WrestleMania 38. But it is not happening since it has been booked for Royal Rumble already.

To whom would be the opponent of Roman Reigns at WrestleMania 38 food challenge for the Universal Heavyweight Championship? Nothing has been confirmed so far, and there are not any concrete news either. Here we will discuss about all the possible opponents for Reigns at WrestleMania 38. We will only talk about the realistic opponents.

One huge possibility is the former eight times WWE World champion The Rock. A match between Reigns and the Rock has been teased for a very long time. We might be able to see these to fight each other at WrestleMania 38. Another possible opponent is Drew McIntyre. The duo might have faced each other quite a number of times before, but it is definitely a huge possibility for WrestleMania 38.

Roman Reigns
Roman Reigns. Image Credits: Twitter

One more possible opponent for Reigns for the WWE Universal Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania 38 is the former three times the WWE world champion Goldberg. This might not be something that fans would love to see, but there is definitely a big possibility.

But all these opponents would make the match really predictable. Reigns will definitely not drop the title to any of these wrestlers. And currently there is no one in the roster of Smackdown who could be a worthy opponent for Roman Reigns to make the match unpredictable. We are seriously hoping WWE should bring in someone like Bray Wyatt to make things unpredictable and it would definitely be best for business as well. But unfortunately, there is little to no chance of it.