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Is the former two times WWE Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn edging near to his WWE exit? Is WWE planning to bring back the Thunderdome once again? Is there any plan of bringing back the poor gimmick of Baron Corbin? What is going on with WWE 2K22? Let us go through all the latest news and everything that is going on in WWE right now.

News are coming out that the contract of Sami Zayn is coming to an end and there are rumours that WWE is considering to give him a long contract extension like they extended the contract of his best friend Kevin Owens. The former WWE Universal Champion you are under contract with WWE for four more years now.

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WWE News – Sami Zayn Contract Update, Thunderdome Return, WWE 2K 22 Update And More

Sami Zayn on the other hand even WWE for over seven years and he is one of the most beloved wrestlers of the industry right now. There are reports that WWE is planning for some long term storylines for the Canadian professional wrestler and the promotion has big plans for him. Surely he will be handed a contract extension soon.

With the recent cases of increased coronavirus victims all over the world, reports are suggesting that WWE may consider bringing back their Thunderdome. This is a return that no fan want to see. Going back to thunderdome will clearly mean that there will be no more big matches anymore, neither any special returns.

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WWE was forced to work in the Thunderdome and behind closed doors for over a year due to the terrible covid-19 pandemic. It is being considered as the worst time period of WWE history. Nobody would certainly want it to happen again. There is no concrete news on it but there is a possibility.

The former WWE United States champion Baron Corbin is currently playing a gimmick of rich, happy person and he is going by the name of Happy Corbin.  He is doing his role perfectly but fans are not pleased with the gimmick, most fans calling it very cringe.

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A lot of fans have demanded return of the poor Baron Corbin gimmick which did not go on for very long but the gimmick was a hit and fans were loving it. There is a rumour of the return of the poor gimmick of Corbin. We may see WWE scrapping the Happy Corbin gimmick soon.

WWE 2K22 will be released by March of 2022. With the huge failure WWE 2K20, this is the last chance for 2K to prove themselves. Else we might see the next WWE game under a new publisher. 2K took a long time to make the WWE 2K22 video game and they have promised that this game will be worth playing.

Reports are suggesting that a lot of really stars may feature WWE 2K22. WWE has released a lot of wrestlers throughout the year, and the working progress of WWE 2K22 has started way before WWE went on to this releasing spree. A lot of the wrestlers will be removed from the roster surely, but there are reports that some of the released stars may feature in the game such as Keith Lee, Bray Wyatt and Johnny Gargano.