WWE News: Spoilers On New Debuts Coming Up On WWE Raw & Smackdown At Royal Rumble 1
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WWE roster is going to get big shakeups in due course as promised by the McMahons. Several new names will make entries into the main roster from the NXT scene. We have let known of the names so that the anticipation keep on getting bigger. Furthermore, WWE is channeling constant vignettes regarding them for promotions.

These names from NXT are as follows-

— Lars Sullivan

– EC3

– Heavy Machinery

– Lacey Evans

– Nikki Cross

Now we have received reports that WWE officials are heavily involved with these debuts. They are actually going to bring some big-time changes to the rosters. Both WWE Raw and Smackdown Live will get affected by their presence. This will be good since fans like freshness in the programming.

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The Dirty Sheets revealed that Royal Rumble is the expected place for these debuts. They can show up either at the PPV or after the show. This makes sense the night after a big-four PPV always remains something special. We get imports from NXT or pleasant surprises in the form of big-time returns.

The source revealed that Lars Sullivan & Lacey Evans are going to be a part of WWE RAW. On the other hand, EC3, Heavy Machinery & Nikki Cross are going to be a part of SmackDown Live. Both EC3 and Lars Sullivan have not been able to pick up championships on the NXT scene. But they are likely to get a huge push after emerging to the main roster.

We have also got to know the capacity of their debut via the source. EC3 will debut at the #3 spot in the Men’s Royal Rumble 2019 match. The two respective ladies will also receive the same chances. Lacey Evans & Nikki Cross will make their presence felt at the Women’s Royal Rumble 2019 match. This will help to fill up the 30 spots in the second ever Rumble for the female roster.

No updates are available for Heavy Machinery, for now. But here’s how Lars Sullivan will make a big impact upon debut, (courtesy wwfoldschool.com)

“Regarding Lars Sullivan’s debut, WWE officials are considering debuting him either during the Men’s Royal Rumble 2019 match or the RAW after Royal Rumble 2019 PPV. If Sullivan does end up being a part of the Men’s Royal Rumble 2019 match, then he’s expected to make a lot of eliminations (he obviously won’t win though).”

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WWE previously promoted him as the hottest free agent in the sports entertainment. So it is very likely that he would become the new monster on the WWE Raw roster. He could be a valiant opponent against another monster available there, i.e. Braun Strowman.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.