This was the main event of the night. Triple h and Stephanie McMahon as the guest to watch the match. Sheamus came out as the first entrant of the match, followed by Bray Wyatt, Alberto Del Rio, Cesaro, John Cena (I did not hear anybody cheering for Cena, he was thoroughly booed), Randy Orton, Roman Reigns and Kane at the end.
The bell rang and the eight men jumped on each other. John Cena and Bray Wyatt started fighting, Cesaro went for Sheamus, Randy Orton and Alberto Del Rio went head to head, and Kane and Roman Reigns battled each other.
Orton escorted Del Rio out of the ring and went for Reigns. Kane and Orton worked together on Reigns. Men shuffled each other’s places as Del Rio came in. Reigns was driven out by Kane and Orton drove out Cesaro. Orton and Kane kept working together as they went for John Cena and Bray Wyatt. Kane went for Wyatt and Orton went for Cena.
Kane attempted to brought the first ladder of the match in. Cesaro hit a low drop kick on the ladder Kane holding and Kane was grounded. Cesaro and Del Rio started pulling the ladder for themselves. Bray Wyatt came in and nailed both with double flying lariat.Cena attempted the AA on Wyatt which Wyatt blocked and nailed Cena on the ladder with a reversed atomic drop.
Roman Reigns went inside as Wyatt and Reigns started fighting each other. Reigns quickly hit a Samoan Drop on Wyatt and placed the ladder under the title. Sheamus came in and blocked him. Sheamus tried his luck as Kane blocked him. Kane and Sheamus fought near a turn buckle as Reigns went inside with a ladder in his hand.
Randy Orton came in quickly and attacked Reigns. Both Sheamus and Reigns capitalized and went head to head. Both hold a ladder each in their hands and smashed Kane in between. Sheamus locked Kane inside the ladder as Reigns attempted to climb the other. Del Rio came in and blocked Reigns. Del Rio also climbed the ladder and Cesaro started climbing from the other side.
Sheamus and Del Rio fell down and kane pushed the ladder in which Reigns and Cesaro were standing. Kane drove out Reigns and Sheamus out of the ring and started dominating everyone into the match. He choke slammed Del Rio and John Cena back to back.
Now Kane placed a ladder under the title and dragged Orton towards the ring so Orton can climb the ladder and get the title. Orton attempted to get the title but Roman Reigns blocked him as pushed from back. He smashed the ladder on Kane’s head.
Reigns placed the ladder between the ring and started climbing it, Bray Wyatt prevented him and choke slammed Reigns. Cena came in and grounded Wyatt. Cesaro nailed Cena with an Upper cut. Cesaro tried to climb the ladder quickly and Sheamus blocked him as he climbed the ladder too. Bray Wyatt pushed the ladder off but Cesaro and Sehamus hanged up holding the titles.
Cesaro pushed Sheamus off and Cesaro hanged alone holding the titles. Cesaro tried to get the titles but he could not as he fell down. Wyatt hit a Senton on Cesaro.
Orton looked to be picking up a head injury but he kept fighting. Meanwhile, Del Rio took Wyatt off the ring and Orton pulled Del Rio out. Orton brought another chair from under the ring. Sheamus attacked Orton. Sheamus placed a ladder on the air as he placed one side of the ladder in the ring and the other on the announce table.
Sheamus picked Orton up and smashed Orton’s head on the ladder again and again. He climbed on that ladder and tried to pull Orton on it. Orton hit on Sheamus’ legs and Shemuas fell on the ladder on his back. Orton nailed Sheamus with a DDT.
Orton went inside as Cena struggled to stand up. Orton placed a big ladder between the ring, and started climbing it. Cesaro, Del Rio, Cena and Reigns came in to block him. Kane and Wyatt also came in. Everybody tried to climb it and the others kept blocking them. Kane stood strong as he escorted the others out of the ring one by one. Del Rio tried to hit Kane but got hit himself.
Kane did not make any attempt to get the titles as he went for Sheamus who was on the outside of the ring. Sheamus prevented Kane’s attack and hit the Beats of Bodhran on Kane. Reigns came in and Sheamus hit a flying lariat on Reigns.
Sheamus came out to be dominant force now as he first hit the Irish Curse Back Breaker on Del Rio then on Randy Orton. Cena came in and Sheamus nailed him with Brogue Kick. Sheamus drove Orton out and placed the ladder under the title. He went for his luck but dragged him off outside the ring and hit an upper cut. Sheamus quickly capitalized and smashed Kane with the steel steps.
Cesaro placed a ladder’s one corner to the turnbuckle and the other inside the steps of the standing ladder under the title. Sheamus started climbing the ladder and Cesaro went up from the other side. Cesaro and Sheamus fought each other on the top of the ladder.
Del Rio, Reigns and Cena came inside. Del Rio grounded Reigns as Cena drove out Del Rio and went behind him. Reigns pushed the ladder from the climbing side and the ladder stood in support of the ladder which was placed inside it by Cesaro earlier. Sehamus dragged the titles to get it but Cesaro blocked him. Cena came in and placed the ladder rightfully. Cena climbed the ladder, Wyatt came in and blocked Cena. Reigns and Del Rio attacked the others from the other side.
Wyatt suplexed Cena on a ladder. Kane went in and smashed Wyatt’s head onto the ladder, Orton also came in, they kept bringing down the individuals one by one. Sheamus was so close from winning it as Kane and Orton worked together to block him. Orton drove Sheamus out of the ring. Kane took out the ladder that was choked inside the standing one and threw it out.
Reigns came in and speared Kane. Orton quickly threw the ladder on Reigns which smashed against his head. Orton attempted the RKO on Reigns but Reigns capitalized with a flying right arm. Sheamus went inside and Reigns forced out too with the flying right arm. Del Rio tried to attack him but got hit himself.
Reigns went inside outside and knocked out Bray Wyatt. Cesaro tried to attack Reigns but Reigns speared him. Reigns took off everyone as Cena came in to fight him and they started fighting wildly. Cena tried to hit the AA but Reigns speared Cena.
Reigns placed the ladder under the title and started climbing it. Orton went in and blocked him with a back breaker. Orton started climbing the ladder as Wyatt came in and pulled him down. He nailed Orton with the Sister Abigail finishing maneuver. Wyatt started climbing the ladder as Del Rio blocked him. He hit an Enzugiri and a super kick to knock Wyatt out.
Del Rio tried his luck as he was pulled down by Sheamus who nailed with the brogue Kick. As Sheamus tried his luck, Cesaro came in and blocked him and knocked him out with the Neutralizer. As Cesaro climbed the ladder, Orton nailed him with a superb RKO.
Triple H and Stephenie McMahon became really excited as Orton was the strongest man standing. He climbed the ladder but Roman Reigns blocked him. Both were on the same side of the ladder and they were fighting on it. Orton’s head was busted open (I am sure it was not intentional). Reigns took Orton out as Kane came in and choke slammed Reigns. Kane asked Orton to climb the ladder, Orton started climbing it. John Cena came in and nailed Kane with the AA. Cena pulled Orton down and hit AA on Orton on the body of Kane.
Cena started climbing the ladder and he got the title. So Cena once again got the title. Yes, John Cena won the championship for the fifteen times. There was a strong look of disbelief and anger on the faces of Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. Cena taunted at Triple H and Stephanie McMahon with the titles.