Bray Wyatt came out with a special entrance first. His entrance was superb! Then John Cena came out, no special entrance for him. Cena got booed thoroughly by the fans.
Bray Wyatt attempted to jump on Cena but Cena ducked the move and locked Wyatt into a neck lock. After getting locked into the move, Wyatt got out of it and hit an upper cut on John Cena. Wyatt pushed Cena to the nearby turn buckle with a number of punches and head butts. Wyatt kept beating Cena and he pretended like it was so easy for him. He unloaded punches, foot stomps and Cena kept being beat up. He pushed Cena to the ropes and as he came back he nailed him with a shoulder block. Wyatt kept hitting Elbows and punches.
Things were turning out to be quite boring, and just then Cena got back into the match as nailed Wyatt who was running towards him with a clothesline. Cena waited for a while and jumped on Wyatt to unload punches. Cena pulled him from the turn buckle and punched him hard on his face. The more Cena beat Wyatt the more Wyatt laughed. Cena pushed him towards a turn buckle and unloaded punches. Wyatt kept laughing. Cena got frustrated and chocked him and the referee wanted him.
As Wyatt stood up, Cena nailed him with a running high knee. Cena wrestled less and wondered inside the ring more. Wyatt got a well rest during this and got back into the match with a number of punches and then grounded him with a suplex. Wyatt kept beating Cena with mounted punches and foot stomps. Wyatt picked him up and attempted a punch which Cena ducked and hit a drop kick.
Wyatt got the control back very soon as he locked him in a Sleeper hold. After being locked in the move, Cena got out of it and hit a number of running shoulder blocks. Hi hit a back drop and prepared for the five knuckle shuffle but as Cena came back from the ring Wyatt stood in the Exorcist style which scared Cena. Wyatt hit a new maneuver which looked more like a chock slam. Wyatt attempted a cover which Cena kicked out.
Cena went towards a turn buckle, Wyatt jumped on him and nailed him with a clothesline. Cena went towards the other side, Wyatt waited for him to stand up. As Cena stoo up, Wyatt ran towards him, Cena stopped him and hit a DDT. He attempted which Wyatt kicked out in two count.
Cena then went over the top turn buckle for a high flying move. Cena tried to hit a jumping Leg Drop which Wyatt countered into a Power Bomb. Wyatt went for a pin which Cena kicked out in two. Wyatt stood up and tried to pick Cena up but Cena countered and tried to lock the STF which Wyatt dummied but Cena again came back with a back drop. He went straight for the five knuckle shuffle.
Cena attempted his finishing maneuver Attitude Adjustment which Wyatt prevented nailed Cena with an innovative Knee to the Groin. Wyatt attempted a pin which Cena kicked out. Cena stood on the Apron, Wyatt followed him and hit a face first DDT on the Apron. Wyatt went inside, pulled him back in the ring and attempted a pin which Cena kicked out.
Wyatt picked Cena over the turn buckle, he attempted a superplex which Cena blocked and jumped on Eric Rowan and Luke Harper. Wyatt took the advantage of the situation and attacked Cena quickly. He smashed Cena’s shoulder with the Steel Steps. Wyatt picked up the steel step to hit Cena with it but Cena ducked the move and attacked Wyatt with punches and smashed hs knee with the steel steps. Cena picked the steel step to hit Wyatt but he realized that it might disqualify him and left him. He picked Wyatt back into the ring.
As soon as Cena went in Wyatt nailed Cena with running Shoulder block. He attempted pin which Cena kicked out. Wyatt attempted a Swanton which Cena ducked and hit the Attitude Adjustment. He attempted the pin but Wyatt kicked out. Eric Rowan distracted the referee and Luke Harper super kicked Cena. Wyatt hit Cena with a Swanton and attempted the pin which Cena kicked out again.
Wyatt picked Cena up and threw him out of the ring. Luke Harper stood near Cena and Cena suddenly stood up and speared him through the barricade. Wyatt quickly towards Cena started beating Cena. He picked Cena back into the ring. Wyatt attempted for his finishing maneuver Sister Abigail which Cena countered into the STF submission maneuver. Wyatt quickly grabbed a nearby rope.
Both looked tired. As they came close to each other Wyatt hit Sister Abigail and went for the pin which Cena kicked out. Wyatt looked frustrated. He went outside of the ring and picked up a chair. He went back into the ring with the chair. Eric Rowan came out to distract the referee. Wyatt threw the chair to Cena’s hands challenging Cena to hit him with the chair. Cena attempted to hit him with the chair and hit Eric Rowan with it who was standing on the apron.
Wyatt tried to pin Cena quickly but Cena kicked out. Wyatt tried to hit Cena with the sister Abigail but Cena countered with the Attitude Adjustment. He attempted the pin and he got it. John Cena defeated bray Wyatt.