Well, the recent tour of England by team India will always be remembered for losing, winning and again losing by team India. Apart from the above, Ravindra JadejaAnderson spat drew attention of the media worldwide. Although nobody was found guilty, the case dragged on too long. Now Anderson has stated that the case became stressful.

He said, “I felt it went too far – the whole process was too much. It could have been dealt with on the day, it could have been dealt with after the game but unfortunately it turned into a long, drawn out process but thankfully common sense prevailed in the end. It was probably one of the most stressful periods that I’ve been through whilst I’ve been in the England team. It was constantly there – whether it was talking to solicitors, whether it was ‘we’ve got meetings here’, whatever it was, it was a constant thing. I just wanted it to go away so I could concentrate on the cricket. But I thought that everyone dealt with it brilliantly. The ECB were great; they backed me all the way and I’m very grateful for that.”

He added, “I was just having a chat off the field. When we’re on the field out in the middle, the umpires are there to oversee that – if they think we overstep the mark they step in and take over; if it’s serious enough they’ll report it to the match referee and it gets dealt with like that. It’s something I’ve always been aware of. I feel like I need to be aggressive on the field because I’m not a big presence on the field, like Chris Tremlett or Stuart Broad; being aggressive has helped me do my job for the team. But I’m very aware of the boundaries and of overstepping the mark – and if I’ve ever been close the umpires are straight on it; there are stump microphones there. I’m very aware of everything there and I don’t overstep the mark.”


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