May 19
May 19. Image Credits: Twitter

Sixteen years have passed till the May 19 of Kane storyline aired on television for the first time. There were a lot of discussions and criticism went on this storyline, but it is still remembered by the wrestling fans for a lot of reasons. Today we will look back at the storyline and discuss why this storyline is very famous till this date.

It all started after WrestleMania 22, where the WWE World Tag Team champions Kane and The Big Show successfully defended their titles against Carlito and Chris Masters. After Wrestlemania, Kane and Big Show dropped their titles Against The Spirit squad. After losing the titles Kane started to hear voices on his head.

May 19
May 19. Image Credits: Twitter

A Look Back At The May 19 Storyline Of Kane

The Voices started to air during Kane’s matches where it called a date, that was May 19. Later Kane revealed that the first date when his family died in fire. Even during the matches, Kane’s old mask started to appear on the titantron. On May 29th, he was having a match against the then Intercontinental Champion Shelton Benjamin. And then, his old entrance music started getting played, and some imposter man appeard wearing his old attire.

The imposter Kane always stood stronger on the original one. After one month at the Vengeance pay per view event, imposter defeated the original Big Red Machine which was pretty shocking. Finally, after that the original was managed to overcome the imposter one and beat him down, tearing the maak away. The imposter Kane was never seen after that. The story was never mentioned, and the fans never get to know what the original plan was.

May 19
May 19. Image Credits: Twitter

That was the storyline. Now latest talk about the back plannings behind it. The storyline was made to promote Kane’s first movie See No Evil which released on May 19, 2006. The story line was scheduled to continue after Vengeance. But they scrapped it because fans during Vengeance showed no appreciation for this storyline. In fact, there where Change the Channel’ chant on the arena. As a result, WWE immediately stopped the feud.

It is also said that the imposter one was the schedule to be the original Kane and the original one was scheduled to be the imposter. Vince McMahon love the character of Kane and he wanted it to go on even after the retirement of Glenn Jacobs. But for some reason Vince felt Glenn is the true man to portray the character and not anyone else. On the other hand, Luke Gallows; the person playing the role of the imposter was given a different gimmick.

May 19
May 19. Image Credits: Twitter

This storyline was never the best storyline in WWE history, in fact it was criticized a lot by the fans. Still it is discussed by the fans heavily even to this day.