Chelsea Green has lightened up her social media profile with her latest photo on Instagram. As always, she was clad in her favorite bikini outfit, this time in a black one. She dropped the photo without any caption except for mentioning the photographer Daniel Ferrero. This man has become a pro in bikini shoots who has captured the stunner on various occasions.
One of the friends of Chelsea Green commented in the photo asking how she has so many collections of bikini stuff. The former NXT Diva was quick to answer that this one was no designed outfit. Rather she bought it from Walmart for just $15. Her fans could be assured that they can now be using low-cost products from the online store like their idol.
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Chelsea Green Awaits WWE Draft Debut Sharing Latest Bikini Photo
From a career standpoint, Chelsea Green can expect to have some good news, finally. After months of wait WWE Draft is back in October trying to shake up the roster. There are a lot of names going around right now and the bikini specialist appears to be one of them. Backstage plans have just begun to shape up from a few days ago.
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Ringside News has learned that ‘while nothing is 100% nailed down yet, Chelsea Green is a part of the conversation’ when it comes to the WWE Draft. A lot of names are being nurtured, and the Draft plans are in the early phases. So it’d be too early to predict something concrete. For some reason, WWE hasn’t pulled the trigger on her main roster debut and thus she’s been absent from TV for several months.
Chelsea Green hasn’t wrestled in a match since May. On the May 27th episode, she teamed with Charlotte Flair and defeated Io Shirai and Rhea Ripley. She fired Robert Stone as her manager and then unexpectedly disappear from TV. Rumors were always there for the main roster debut but it now appears she has been sidelined with COVID-19.
While WWE has never provided any update regarding her, Chelsea Green herself posted to Facebook that she is feeling better after having dealt with a positive COVID-19 case. Green signed a WWE contract in the summer of 2018.
Previously, she had won the former Knockouts Championship in Impact Wrestling promotion where she used to wrestle as Laurel Van Ness. She defeated Rosemary in 2017 to win the vacant championship. She then dropped the title 2 months later to Allie and leave the brand.