Eric Bischoff
Eric Bischoff. Image Credits: Twitter

Professional wrestling legend and WWE Hall of Famer Eric Bischoff who is the former Boss of WCW recently talked about the possibility of Vince McMahon leaving WWE and he predict what would happen if he leaves the promotion. He also predicted where would be in five years.

WWE fans have also started to predict the future of WWE without the presence of Vince McMahon. A lot of fans and pundits believe that Mr McMahon is holding WWE back. There are a lot of reasons behind such a belief.

Eric Bischoff
Eric Bischoff. Image Credits: Twitter

Eric Bischoff Predicts WWE Without Vince McMahon

There was a time when WWE was extremely entertaining and fans were hooked to the television to get to know what would happen the next part of the story. It was extremely entertaining to watch RAW and Smackdown every week. Every promotion that try to compete with the WWE just fell out flat. In short WWE never had a worthy competition.

But with time WWE’s product started to get boring and It all happened after WWE turned PG when will Linda McMahon, the wife of Vince McMahon joined politics. A PG product could never give fans what they want.

Slowly fans started to turn their faces away from the WWE. Of course there were some good storylines and matches every now and then but there was no consistency. A lot of fans still believe that PG in WWE.

Eric Bischoff
Eric Bischoff. Image Credits: Twitter

Then came the worst time period in the WWE history, the covid-19 pandemic. It affected the promotion from every aspects. They were forced to release a lot of wrestlers and their matches in storylines were even more weak. On the other hand there latest competition the AEW is doing excellent.

They are producing better matches, better storylines and even better shows. From almost every aspects, they are above WWE. To stay in competition WWE has to change their product. We hope they will change their model soon to stay in competition and in order to beat AEW.

Eric Bischoff who is the former Boss of WCW recently spoke to Renee Paquette on her “Oral Sessions” podcast where he talked about the possibility of Vince McMahon leaving WWE and he predict what would happen if he leaves the promotion. He also predicted where would be in five years. He said;

Eric Bischoff
Eric Bischoff. Image Credits: Twitter

“I have no idea and I don’t think anybody has an idea. TV is changing so fast. Let’s just assume for the sake of this question and discussion everything pretty much stays the same. Streaming platforms, the relationship between current streaming and TV, everything stays the same. Based on what I can see, admittedly, I don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes, I don’t know what the larger strategy is if there is one. I have no idea. I’m just sitting on the outside, watching it like everybody else.

“If you had asked me that question six months ago, I probably would’ve been able to answer it. But right now, I’m leaning towards, I don’t know, Disneyworld? Like I said, six months ago we would’ve argued about this and I probably would’ve not budged on my position, but I’m becoming a little bit more open to the idea that it probably or could be at least partially true. And just look at the moves. And I also look behind the scenes. It’s like, we’ve all had this conversation in one shape or form.

“What happens if Vince leaves? If he goes out on the job, which is probably the way he’d want to go, or does he decide to buy a yacht and go to Barbados? Who’s going to step into that spot? Is it going to be Triple H? I don’t think so. He would’ve already been there. Is it going to be Stephanie? Been there, done that, she’s a mom now. Is Bruce Prichard going to do it? Who’s going to do it? Nick Khan, he’s in and out. He’s in there to make a deal happen and move on down the road.”

H/T to WrestlingInc for the quotes