The former four times WWE Intercontinental Champion Scott Hall aka Razor Ramon had been one of the most charismatic superstars back in his day. Hall started his wrestling career back in 1984 but got his first recognition when he was repackaged as Razor Ramon by WWE.
Hall’s gimmick was really appreciated by most of the fans back then. His match against Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania X for the IC title is still recognized as a WrestleMania classic. It was only the second-ever ladder match in WWE history and the first-ever ladder match of WrestleMania.

Scott Hall Reveals The Origin Of Razor Ramon
It is rumored that WWE was planning for the main event for ‘The Bad Guy’ but before that he signed with the WCW in 1996. He formed a tag team with Kevin Nash as The Outsiders. Later, the team changed its name to nWo aka New World Order which later turned out to be one of the most successful factions in professional wrestling history.
Recently, Scott Hall was interviewed by Yaz Jung where he revealed how his Razon Ramon persona was originated. He also spoke about other interesting facts. Below are some highlights;

He says being a tough guy doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll succeed in wrestling:
“In MMA, if you’re a badass, it’s because God and your parents just made you a badass… …But Pro-Wrestling is different. Sometimes the tough guys beat up the other guys, but sometimes, you’re tougher than the guy you’re wrestling, and you can wipe the floor with him, but he sells more merchandise, the fans like him, the Office likes him – so they’re gonna go with him.”
He reveals how he pitched Razor Ramon to Vince McMahon:
“I told him – Vince, if you want me to be a G.I.* Joe (type character) I’ll be the best damn G.I.* Joe I can be – but have you ever seen Scarface? – Say Hello…to the Bad Guy..”
He told about the advice that McMahon gave him:
“Vince always told guys to use their face, that’s where the money is … You have to keep an eye on the camera, so in my entrance, I’d usually go and look right to the hard-camera side. You could see in the nWo days — I’d just look right at the camera and go, ‘I’m the s***!’”

He talks about the Fallaway Slam being his signature maneuver:
“There was another move, the Fallaway Slam, that some people started calling ‘Hall-away Slam.’ But I actually called it ‘the sack-of-s***’ cause I was working with [WWE Hall-of-Famer] Carlos Colon at the time in Puerto Rico. I told him ‘duck the clothesline, then crossbody,’ I caught him and just thinking of cool moves to do, just — boom — I threw him back over my head. We got back to the locker room and he told me, ‘Amigo! What the hell? You threw me like a sack-of-s***!’ So that’s how I named it, but it’s great to see the young guys still using it.”
Hall made his WWE return in 2002 and his match against Stone Cold Steve Austin at WrestleMania X-8 is still remembered to this day because of the way he sold the Stunner that night. People nowadays talk about how good Dolph Ziggler sells all the moves, but Scott Hall was the granddaddy of selling moves.