Finally, it was the time. A match that everyone was looking forward to for last eight months. The one match that finally happened. Triple H vs. Seth Rollins.
Triple H made a special entrance just like every year. Just like all of his special entrances it was cool as hell. He was surrounded by police bikes and he drove an assassin bike with his wife Stephanie McMahon in the back seat. Stephanie was looking really beautiful. Seth had a special entrance too. He had a torch in his hand which he touched the ground and the ground light turned
Stephanie was looking really beautiful. Seth had a special entrance too. He had a flaming torch in his hand, which he touched the ground and the ground lit up turning fiery.
For the match, it was great. It was very physical and there were weapons in this match which made things look really exciting. But there was no interference in this match. No Samoa Joe, no returning Balor, nothing. It was given over thirty minutes of booking.
Though the match was thoroughly enjoyable, it could have been better. Coming to the climax, Triple H accidentally pushed his wife Stephanie McMahon through a table. Seth quickly hit Triple H with the Pedigree after that to pin him down.
Winner – Seth Rollins