As India’s cricket carnival, IPL 2020, is back, the official broadcaster Star Sports Network is looking to capitalise the golden opportunity. They are going to charge 8-10 lakh rupees for every 10 seconds advertisement despite several potential advertisers are suffering from financial burdens amid the pandemic.
As per a report in Rediff, Star Networks are not cutting down the prices of advertisements because they have also paid a whopping amount of INR 3,270 crores for the 13th edition.
For the same, they will not drop the prices as they were not given a discount by the board. The broadcaster wants to generate maximum revenue in the much-awaited tournament because they had also dip in revenues during the coronavirus hiatus.
Star Sports generated INR 3000 Crore revenue in IPL 2019:
Last year, Star Sports, reportedly, earned around INR 3000 crore through the IPL 2019 edition. They are planning to also earn around the same amount for which they have not lowered the advertising prices. Although they are well aware of the fact that some organisations might not be able to fund that much money.
Well, many have reported that the IPL 2020 will become the most-watched league and this factor supports the Star Sports to keep the hype in prices.
The fans have not seen Indian stars in the ground since the March beginning. Earlier, the league was set from 29th March but the Indian government announced lockdown after which the league was postponed indefinitely.
However, BCCI found the window of re-scheduling the league from 19th September after ICC decided to postpone the T20 World Cup, which was set in October-November. But this year’s IPL will not be hosted in India but in the UAE, where the coronavirus cases are in control.
The franchises, broadcasters, BCCI members and other staff members will travel through charter planes for safety reasons.