WWE News: Details On Former Smackdown GM Paige’s New Boyfriend 1
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We have informed you earlier that Paige has broken up with her boyfriend. She was dating musician Kalan Blehm for the past several months. We have seen a bit of glimpse of the man in the latest episode of Total Divas. She hesitated a bit to bring him in public. But the relation did not last long as per one of the WWE employees cum interviewer Charly Caruso.

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Why WWE removed Paige from Smackdown?

Paige is not something new to breakups when it comes to personal lives. If you are a follower of Total Divas then you should know this very well. Over the course of last three years, she’s been gone through at least four relationships. Mostly, she got hooked up with musicians in her life before bumping into Alberto Del Rio.

Current status of Paige with WWE

Eventually, that came to an end, too after which Blehm came to her life. However, Paige has walked away from his life in late 2018. But the interesting fact is that she is not single. Another man has entered his life, recently. This man is a musician, as per the revelations made by wwdoldschool.com.

Apparently, Paige is now dating Ronnie Radke. He is an American singer, songwriter, rapper, musician, and record producer. The anti-Diva is posting a number of pictures of her alongside boyfriend on her social media profile on a regular basis. Plus, a special post on Instagram indicated that Ronnie has become a special person in her life.

We hope the relation remains intact for a significant amount to bring stability and positivity in Paige’s career. She has gained much success apart from wrestling in the past few months. Her clothing line is doing great as she always gets support from the fanbase. Speaking of this brings us to the reason for her breakup with Blehm.

Charly Caruso made an appearance on Lilian Garcia’s Chasing Glory podcast to declare that men can’t handle Paige’s success properly leading to fallouts,

“I told her, ‘You know every guy says they want this strong confident woman and that’s what they love about you and it’s only a matter of time in a lot of situations where then they start resenting you for that and they can’t keep up with you or they don’t like that you’re so dominant or you know so successful because it makes them feel less secure’.”

WWE has sidelined Paige from TV for now. She is no more the Smackdown Live general manager since McMahons took it over. But we expect her to come back in a special role that is yet to be disclosed.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.