Kelly Kelly
courtesy WWE

For the better part of her wrestling career, Kelly Kelly used to be a natural babyface figure for the WWE Universe and one of the most beautiful female talents to have performed on WWE TV. Due to her early retirement, fans certainly miss seeing her on TV on a weekly basis since she left the company in 2012. It happened at the age of only 25 which indicates that she could have a lot of wrestling left in her.

But entering the scene at the age of just 19 was a commendable job in itself as she was the youngest at her time who did survive in the industry dominated by male performers. Kelly Kelly recently sat down in an interview on Insight with Chris Van Vliet where she looked back at her stint with ECW and her early days in the industry.

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It was essentially mentioned by Kelly Kelly that one needed to grow a thick skin to survive in the game where girls like her were small fish in the pond. There were many who couldn’t go through that chaos and left the business,

“They hired a lot of women, and a lot of women couldn’t take it. You have to have thick skin, you have to, it was a male-dominated business at the time. And you just had to learn to have thick skin, whatever, don’t let things get to you.”

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Kelly Kelly thanked late Test for protecting her in the WWE

Kelly Kelly specifically mentioned the later WWE Superstar Test whom she started dating while being in ECW. Mentioning him as someone who was a Godsend, she was happy with the fact that someone was there to protect her in those tough initial days in the company,

“I took Mike Knox’s move onto a chair, and now at my age, I look back? There’s no way. When I first got in and we started dating, he really protected me. And I think that first year if I wouldn’t have him protecting me? He was a godsend… He really was my protector.” (quotes courtesy Wrestling INC)

It’s been a long time since we have seen Kelly Kelly in a WWE ring and there’s literally no chance that she will be back for one more run given how much she’s been involved in her personal life. Marrying businessman Joe B. Coba in 2021, the couple is bringing up a set of twins.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.