Mercedes Mone
courtesy WWE

Mercedes Mone is helmed to be one of the top female star powers in AEW let alone in the entire professional wrestling industry. After gaining fame as Sasha Banks in the WWE, she is currently vying for a career rejuvenation in the Tony Khan-owned banner after debuting in March. Already capturing two belts in the company, the Boston-native has come a long way.

But also Mercedes Mone has her fair share of controversies throughout her career which includes her injuring Saraya several years ago, leading to the latter’s initial retirement from WWE in-ring competition in 2018. In light of that controversy, fans have previously addressed the former WWE Superstar to be an unsafe worker.

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As seen in the released footage of Saraya’s injury, the former Sasha Banks was the one to kick the former Paige on the back which led the latter to fall flat on the mat. It was seen that the knees might have been delivered in a botched way causing the damage to the neck. But, the anti-Diva was not able to recover from it and the match was thereby called off.

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Mercedes Mone felt low about the inadvertent injury situation of Saraya

While speaking to HOT97, Mercedes Mone was asked about the accidental instance that led to Saraya’s injury. In reply, she asserted that she felt extremely upset by the situation and it further set her into a spiral of depression. Wrestling has always been something she aspired and listening to being unsafe inside the ring was very disheartening.

“I was so depressed by it. I feel like, when was that, in 2017 or 2018? That definitely set me on a spiral of depression because wrestling has always been my biggest goal and dream, and I’ve always wanted to be the greatest at it. So to hear any kind of noise that people might not think you’re safe, or it wasn’t even the boys in the back, it’s just the fans thinking you’re not safe,” Mercedes Mone continued.

“Yeah, it’s scary sometimes, but that’s the business that we’re in. You never know when you’re going to get hurt; you never know when you’re going to sprain something, break a neck, break a knee. It’s just the business.” (quotes courtesy Ringside News)

Due to the past incident, the anticipation is there that the two could be featured in action in a rematch now that both of them are under the banner of All Elite Wrestling. Mercedes Mone also made it clear she is ready to square off against Saraya given a proper storyline is provided. But for the time being, she’s enjoying the phase of being a dual title-holder in the company that’s the TBS Championship and NJPW Strong Women’s Championship.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.