Natalya And Jenni Neidhart
courtesy YouTube

The teasing sister duo Natalya and Jenni Neidhart are back with their latest video on their YouTube channel. While Nattie used to have this channel from a few years back, it has recently become active with the insertion of her younger sister into the picture.

Apparently, Jenni wants to make a name for herself just like her worldwide renowned sister. While she’s not a pro as a wrestler, she definitely knows hot cook delicious food.

Natalya And Jenni Neidhart Tease WWE Fans In Stuff My Stocking Video 1

Natalya And Jenni Neidhart Tease WWE Fans In Stuff My Stocking Video 2

Plus, Natalya and Jenni Neidhart also know how to tease the fans with their itsy bitsy clothes which are bound to garner some attention from the fans.

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Natalya And Jenni Neidhart Tease WWE Fans In Stuff My Stocking Video

Natalya And Jenni Neidhart Tease WWE Fans In Stuff My Stocking Video 3

As reported earlier, they had suffered wardrobe malfunctions in the past but that won’t be stopping them from appearing in these kinds of clothes and doing stuff that could often cause more such mishaps. These eventually help them growing likes and subscribers for the channel.

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Natalya And Jenni Neidhart Tease WWE Fans In Stuff My Stocking Video 4

So for all the rightful reasons, Natalya and Jenni Neidhart kicked off their latest video by thanking the fans for hitting 50K subscribers. They also wanted to have a great beginning to the Christmas celebrations with these ‘stocking stuff’ video session. The two sisters showed various objects from their stockings and how to put good use from all of those.

In the meantime, fans must have focused on the crazy antics thrown by Natalya and Jenni Neidhart, throughout the video as they usually do. As you can see, they were flashing a lot of cleavages to distract the viewers.

Both were twinning in yellow polka-dot dresses. Plus, they were sucking lollipops that at times become, pretty adultery. Jenni’s dress often tended to come out of her shoulder but thankfully, she did wear an innerwear that resisted sort of wardrobe malfunctions.

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Natalya And Jenni Neidhart Tease WWE Fans In Stuff My Stocking Video 6

Natalya and Jenni Neidhart were also heard talking about how they don’t like to wear panties. We’re sure that fans would like to hear that kind of conversation with skin show in front of their faces.

Natalya And Jenni Neidhart Tease WWE Fans In Stuff My Stocking Video 7

Natalya is a third-generation superstar who wrestled in more than 1,360 matches to create a record. She previously compared herself to baseball legend Cal Ripken Jr who had played 2,632 games in his 16-year-long career. No female WWE wrestler had competed in that amount of matches which is why Nattie often refers to herself as the BOAT – Best of All-Time.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.