WWE News: Kane Gives Update Whether Mayoral Run Would End WWE Career 1
courtesy CBSsports

Most of the pro-wrestling fans know that Kane is running for the mayoral post in Knoxville, Tennessee.

This is the main reason why he has transformed into a part-time performer in the company. His increasing age is a factor too. He has been associated with the biggest pro-wrestling promotion in the world for over two decades.

That time is not far behind when we will have to say goodbye to the legendary name who made our childhood special with demonic antics. It was his character in the WWE that makes us believe that Big Red Monsters do exist. But there’s no way that his body can cope up to full-time wrestling at this point of his career.

In a recent edition of the podcast hosted by Chris Jericho, Kane noted on the future of his career. With elections coming up for the mayor post it will be tough for him to continue working as a wrestler in the WWE. So there might be no way we would see him competing, ever again. The same topic raised on the show hosted in Knox County.

Giving a positive nod to this situation, Kane said there’s no way he could continue wrestling especially if he gets elected as the Mayor of the county. The people will become his responsibility which he would have to look after on a regular basis. So, he will be forced to call it a quit. Check out his quotes addressing the matter,

“No, I can’t. Mayor is a full-time job, and I would direct all my attention to that.”

The host of the Talk is Jericho went to pick his brain by asking whether it would be a legal issue to wrestle inside the ring when you are a mayor. The former World Champion denied saying the main reason behind hanging up his boots would be that he could not cope up with things at the same time.


Kane is in quite a good shape considering the age and number of matches that he had, over the years. This man has done and seen it all by being a loyal employee of the company. If this duty would not be on his shoulder, then he should be around for sometimes more.

For now, the primary election is up in May, whereas, the general election will get conducted in August. It is likely that by then we will get to know whether he gets this new role of Mayor or not.

It will also confirm if he can be associated with the WWE or not. We wish the veteran superstar, the very best for whatever he is willing to do as future endeavours.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.

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