WWE will host a path-breaking event on October 28th, named featuring the women superstars. It is going to be the first-time ever show featuring the female superstars. We did not hear of such an incredible concept in the entire pro-wrestling world.
Keeping the women’s revolution in mind, it received the name, Evolution. Stephanie McMahon gave an official update on this particular show that WWE Network will broadcast, live. She confirmed that superstars from present and past will be participating in it.
Overall, 50 superstars are likely to compete in the inaugural Evolution PPV. WWE Raw, Smackdown, NXT championship defenses will happen on the show. Furthermore, the finale of Mae Young Classic will also take place on this PPV making it a must-watch for the fans.

This automatically hypes-up the expectations around the show. Stephanie McMahon is one of the cornerstones of the show from the get-go.
Stephanie McMahon recently appeared in an interview with ESPN and addressed Evolution, as women’s Wrestlemania. She is happy that there’s no basic difference between a normal PPV and this one.
She went on to say the company will pull out all the stops to make Evolution a success. The whole writing team is working hard to make the historic idea, a bigger success. It will be a landmark event cum major mainstream attention for WWE.
Here are comments from the Raw commissioner regarding preparations for Evolution,
“What’s awesome about this pay-per-view event is that it’s being treated the same as every other pay-per-view because we believe in it so much. It has the creative writing team.
It has all of our live events production, talent relations — all of the different departments that go into making every pay-per-view a success are behind this pay-per-view.”
The source also asked whether Stephanie McMahon is coming back to in-ring competition on this night. She denied making any confirmation on this.
Stephanie McMahon disclosed herself to act as an official person with the creative team for Evolution’s benefit. These were her comments about the backstage role she is playing,
“In terms of my role, I’m going to do everything I can to make it as big and as successful as it can possibly be. I’m hoping, at any rate, that this is going to be the WrestleMania of the women’s division.”