The private media leaks of the WWE female superstars have been one non-stop thing. Starting from Paige it featured Alexa Bliss, Summer Rae, Charlotte Flair and the former WWE Divas like Maria and Kaitlyn. Some of them have admitted that the hackers have committed the crime by stealing the private photos from their phone whereas some kept quiet regarding this issue.
The latest victims were Charlotte and Alexa who addressed the matter demanding that the photos should be removed from the internet, immediately. Speaking this media leak controversy who can forget one of the all-time great newsmaker, Sunny?
The controversial Diva recently spoke to Wrestlingus Show and commented on the burning topic. She went on to say that the WWE female talents are guilty for these leaks to a certain extent. They should be extra careful to those pictures which framed them in compromising positions. In this age of digital platforms, one can steal digital private properties just like that. Check out the comments made by Sunny:
“I saw them and it’s like do I feel bad for her? Yeah, I mean, but no in a way, because she took it upon herself to take those pictures. Anybody who takes pictures like this or video of that, you’ve got to… you’re assuming the risk that it’s going to get out. I mean, normal people’s pictures get out, so if you’re a celebrity, you’ve got to expect this sooner or later.”

Now, it is quite odd to hear some expert opinion from the Diva who was originally part of some adultery contents in movies. In case you don’t know, Sunny has been part of an 18 plus movie just to ensure her well being.
There were also some rumours about her which suggested that she might have been indulged in an adult relationship with Seth Rollins. Sunny addressed the matter and stated the exact situation that took place:
“I was on Facebook and I just clicked onto my messenger just to see if I had any important messages and somebody sent me a link to the post supposedly made by me.
And I read it and I went, ‘you’ve got to be kidding me!’ So I clicked on the profile that the post was written on and it doesn’t even appear to me on my Facebook page, so whoever created this fake profile of me blocked me, so I couldn’t even go on there and report them.”