WWE News: WWE Superstar In Trouble After Sexual Comments On Stephanie McMahon 1
courtesy PWPIX

WWE has been channeling vignettes on Lars Sullivan debut for a couple of weeks. This NXT superstar is about to debut on the main roster quite soon. He is a big man who has all the tools to be the successor of the former resident giants of the WWE like Big Show, Mark Henry, Big Daddy V, Umaga and more. Recent reports were also out claiming a big push towards him.

Vince McMahon always has a nag of pushing these monsters as they are his favorites. No wonder that Lars Sullivan would have received such a chance on any one of the shows in the WWE. But the current consequences suggest that he might have already got into a hot water. This could mark an end to the expected elevation following the debut.

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Ringsidenews.com has gone way back to invest in the past of Lars Sullivan to find out some bitter truth. If the officials get involved into this then they might give troubles to the young superstar. The source has received some info from a previous Bulletin Message Board where we found commenting sexual things about Stephanie McMahon.

While watching the fap video Lars Sullivan remarked the following,

“Very sexy, Thanks for the fap vid.”

WWE was not this much PG back in the days and we could find sexual provocations on the contents, every now and then. Stephanie McMahon was an integral part this wearing revealing outfits. Her presence was eye soothing to the male fans and it looks like Lars Sullivan was one of them. So he made more remarks on the WWE Raw commissioner.

The monstrous superstar even remarked about the sex life of Stephanie McMahon and Triple H. He referred to an old K-Rock interview of the billion dollar princess with Howard Stern. This has received an interesting insider scoop about his boss. Here are the comments from the superstar which was all Rated-R things,

“She was a good sport and went along with the $exual answers Howard threw at her. It’s been several years since it aired but I remember her talking about getting it ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ from HHH. No an*l ‘yet.’ And she’s completely shaven.”

We are not sure about the current reactions of the officials after hearing these comments about Stephanie McMahon. One thing that can save Lars Sullivan is the fact that all of these happened a long time ago. He could hardly imagine working under the WWE banner at that point. But we should not get surprised if these internet facts delay his main roster debut, for now.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.

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