WWE News: Alexa Bliss Had Breast Implant Surgery To Recover From Eating Disorder 1
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Blissfit buddies must have had an additional reason to stick to the WWE Network following Stomping Grounds as a documentary was in the pipeline. It was none other than The Goddess of the WWE whom we have seen in a totally different avatar on the show. The backstage stories featuring Alexa Bliss spanning on the course of 365 days were truly inspirational.

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Namely, WWE 365 on Alexa Bliss was a major success that revealed some unknown moments of former champ’s career including her breast implants. In case you don’t know Alexa Bliss belongs to the list of superstars who have gone under the knives to beautify themselves. However, in this particular case, the surgery has saved her life.

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For those who don’t know, Alexa Bliss had gone through a traumatizing phase suffering from an eating disorder disease. She overcame the odds but became conscious about her body that affected her mental condition. This is when her doctor advised to get her through breast implant surgery. At times, this kind of silicon b**bs has been extremely helpful to help those girls who suffered from self-consciousness problems.

Little Miss Bliss weighed only 85 pounds at one point before having the breast implants. But afterward, she managed to lead a normal life overcoming a situation that had life threats to it. Here’s more from Alexa Bliss, herself on the issue,

“There are studies that show that [implants can help] women recover from eating disorders because they feel more womanly and they feel better about their bodies and better about their self-image. I will never regret doing that for myself because it helped me get over my eating disorders and my body image issues.”

Her doctor also advised getting her to change the breast implants after every 10 years. She was only 17 when she, first received the treatment. Then it was last year when she got a new implant that has forced her to miss actions for sometimes. Reports were out that Alexa Bliss indeed had some sort of plastic surgeries. With WWE 365 airing after Stomping Grounds, we got to know about some exclusive updates in this regard.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.