Ronda Rousey
courtesy WWE

Ronda Rousey was brought into the WWE via a joint effort of WWE’s biggest couple, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon almost six years ago. Following her arrival, the duo also competed in a match against her at Wrestlemania alongside Kurt Angle to give her a solid start. However, things changed in due course as the relationship between the WWE and the former UFC star power deteriorated.

Away from the WWE, Ronda Rousey offered her autobiography to the fans and she also went on a rant against the company during the promotion of the book. The former champion was asked to reveal some backstage scoops and she was crystal clear in her response while shedding light on her perspective on her tenure. It was also affirmed that she has no intention of returning to WWE.

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Ronda Rousey possesses no bad blood against Stephanie McMahon

While speaking to KTLA, Ronda Rousey further talked about her relationship with WWE’s Stephanie McMahon and claimed that she absolutely loves her and considers her a good friend despite her father not being in her good books,

“She’s just a genuine friend. From the very beginning. We were supposed to be enemies in the ring, but you’re usually the closest with the person that you’re feuding with. We were the ones beating each other up every week, and she was the one guiding me through so much and teaching me about the intricacies of the industry. She was a guide to me when I had no idea what I was doing. I’m always grateful to her. I couldn’t say enough great things about her.”

Ronda Rousey’s Remarks Against WWE Didn’t Surprise The Company

In her book names Our Fight, Ronda Rousey went in depth about her WWE experiences and provided insights into her tenure with the company. She had harsh direct words toward Bruce Prichard and John Laurinaitis, expressing her frustrations by telling them to go ‘f*** themselves.’ Stephanie’s father Vince McMahon was also noted to be someone who made the taste bitter for the UFC Hall of Famer.

It was in August 2023 that Ronda Rousey made headlines in the wrestling world with her departure from the WWE following her SummerSlam match against Shayna Baszler. She opted to take a break from professional wrestling after that match which eventually turned out to be her retirement match from the WWE unless the scene changed drastically.

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Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.