CM Punk - Drew McIntyre
courtesy WWE

The intensifying rivalry between CM Punk and Drew McIntyre took an interesting turn after the former showed up on this week’s episode of Monday Night Raw in a surprising capacity to address his current rival. The two couldn’t meet face to face as WWE must have been trying to protect them from their respective injuries but their feud was essentially amped up.

This week’s episode of Raw took place at the XL Center in Hartford, Connecticut and one of the most highly anticipated matches was Drew McIntyre taking on Finn Balor in the first-round of the bracket for the King of The Ring tournament. However, WWE took to their official Twitter and uploaded a video featuring Adam Pearce to announce that McIntyre had not been medically cleared for the match.

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The Scottish Warrior was further seen in a heated argument with Raw General Manager Adam Pearce backstage and left the building after which CM Punk’s car pulled over right at the same spot, and he came looking for his rival, Drew McIntyre to find out that he just left.

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CM Punk had some tough choice of words to offer at Drew McIntyre

The former WWE Champion then made his way to the ring and asked everyone in attendance to take to their social media accounts and let McIntyre know of CM Punk’s arrival via tweets so that he could arrive at the ring and pick a fight. A scathing promo followed from him to continue the program that began at the 2024 Royal Rumble and McIntyre didn’t come out.

Then in a Raw-exclusive interview, CM Punk was asked where this would lead the duo and he had a straight-up answer reserved for the former three-time WWE Champion,

“It ends with me breaking his face. This isn’t me being a nice guy anymore. This is about him taking time off my career. This is about him potentially ruining a WrestleMania moment for me, and me wanting to show him that he picked a very personal fight with the pettiest man on the roster that he can’t possibly win. I’ve fought big guys before. I’ve been beaten up. Psychologically, he cannot hurt me, and I’m gonna break his heart.”

In response to these comments, McIntyre was later seen burning CM Punk’s photo on social media but for the time being, he can’t get physical in the ring as he’s suffering from a hyperextended elbow.

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Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.