John Cena
courtesy WWE

John Cena has often been touted as Super Cena by the fans for his impressive physique throughout his lengthy career in the WWE. From the very beginning of his days in OVW to his franchise figure run that lasted for more than 15 years on the main roster, he was a one-of-a-kind athlete by all means. In an instance in early 2008, he was back from an injury in around two months which generally requires six months to recover.

There have been doubts in fans’ minds about whether John Cena has always relied on natural ways to gain this kind of muscular build, or if he took the help of performance-enhancing substances given that almost all professional wrestlers back in the day used PEDs (performance-enhancing drugs) to look larger than life and help with the recovery from injury days.

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During an interview on The Howard Stern Show, John Cena directly addressed these questions and confirmed that he has never turned to performance-enhancing substances, “The profession calls for it. Yeah, you gotta lift folks and throw them”.

In reply to Stern questioning The Cenation Leader’s commitment to remaining “all natural”, he gave a positive response to the matter, “Still. Yeah, still”.

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John Cena didn’t want to take any risks with his body

Stern then wondered about the amount of potential advantages that John Cena could have gained by using such substances, given his already impressive physique. Acknowledging that the temptation has always been there, he never wanted to take any risk with his body,

“There’s risk-reward there. You know, if you hit the gas pedal too early, you can get a lot of bad stuff happen long-term… I love to work out. Like you said, I know it’s important. I love it. It’s kind of like my meditation”.

The 16-time WWE World Heavyweight Champion also shed light on his health monitoring routine, by saying the following, “I get my bloodwork done 3 times a year, and my testosterone is fantastic for a 47-year-old.”

John Cena always possessed a ripped 250-pound wrestler as billed in the WWE. He later dropped some size when he became a Hollywood actor. But still, his physique has always been larger than life, which was often admired by his colleagues to further raise the speculation of PED use.

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Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.