Taynara Conti
courtesy Twitter

Taynara Conti impressed the professional wrestling world with her performance during WWE’s Mae Young Classic tournament that in turn earned her a contract with the company, afterward. She tried to get noticed a lot in NXT, but the unfortunate thing is that the creative team wasn’t just ready to hand her opportunities.

There were times when it seemed like the first-ever Brazilian female talent in WWE might receive a push but the optimistic view had to change with passing months. That resulted in a lot of frustration and unhappiness. Ultimately, WWE decided to release Taynara Conti from the contract and it’s been more than a year since that happening.

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Ex WWE Star Taynara Conti Points Out Reason Behind Her AEW Success 1

Taynara Conti received a lot of support in AEW

Fortunately for her, AEW signed her under their banner and gave her the opportunity that she was looking for. While speaking on the AEW Unrestricted podcast, Taynara Conti was asked why she has seen more success in AEW than WWE. Her explanation was pretty simple. She is happier in AEW who can perform, freely than she could have ever done that while being under WWE’s umbrella.

“Because I’m happy 100%. Of course, I have a great trainer. Dustin’s doing great work with me, and I’m grateful for him. I have more time to watch matches, but all of this is happening because I’m happy with myself. I can be who I am without being judged. I can try things. I feel that people trust me,” Taynara Conti continued.

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“I don’t have that pressure on my back every single time like, oh, should I say hi. Should I walk with my right foot or my left? I don’t have that. So that’s why I’m happy, and I can do better. I feel like every time you are happy, everything is better. You can do your best.”

Ex WWE Star Taynara Conti Points Out Reason Behind Her AEW Success 2

It appears that WWE has tended to throw more instructions to Taynara Conti those she tried to follow but eventually led her to a frustrated stage. Now she is much happier in AEW, surrounded by supportive people who are helping her to excel with her wrestling skills. She even has her old NXT coach Serena Deeb around her just to make sure that everything remains all right.

Taynara Conti was never afraid of speaking her mind in open since the NXT days. Following her WWE release, she broke her silence within just a few days. At first, it appeared to be a huge shocker since her release request wasn’t granted in the first attempt. But the company agreed to do so at a time when she expected it to happen, the least. Well, things took a positive direction for her since then and she is genuinely happy about it.

Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.