For those who don’t remember, Kayla Braxton joined WWE in 2016 but fans didn’t immediately get to know her a lot. With Renee Young being the most active host back in those days, she had to wait for her opportunity to come and once that arrived, she worked hard to get recognized in the company.
These days, we mostly see Kayla Braxton in hosting roles but many don’t remember that she began her career as an announcer’s role and no one liked her abilities in that role that Samantha Irvin has excelled in. According to her comments, doing in-ring announcing was the toughest job that WWE had to offer her.
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Before a match goes underway inside the squared circle, the ring announcers must play a crucial role in amping things up with their voice activities. This is something Kayla Braxton did in her early stages with WWE. But as stated in a recent episode of Chris Van Vliet’s Insight podcast, she dealt with difficulties as it appeared to be the hardest job for her.
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Kayla Braxton plugged in the good jobs Samantha is doing as an announcer
“When I came in, I was a ring announcer,” Kayla Braxton said. “People tend to forget that I ring announced for my first several years. I hated it so much.”
“[Samantha] is going to be historical for this company. People don’t give ring announcers the credit they deserve a lot of times because they are just this voice of God. That is the hardest job I’ve ever held. When I say that, it’s not because it’s not a great gig, but it terrified me.”
As you can guess, Kayla Braxton believes that current WWE ring announcer Samantha Irvin is doing a sensational job as an in-rig announcer, these days while she’s better suited to in-studio or backstage appearances, as live performance in front of an audience creates anxiety in her.
Speaking in the conversation, Kayla Braxton further detailed the activities that she keeps dealing with on a regular basis. She kept on pushing and eventually found her comfort zone once WWE gave her the duties to The Bump on YouTube. She admittedly thrived in the WWE once she found herself on the popular show that is currently handled by Megan Morant.