Bombshell Chelsea Green Sees Herself As Bigger Draw On WWE NXT 1
courtesy WWE

Plenty of exciting young stars can be found on the NXT roster who are trying hard to find their respective path to success while staying at the black and yellow brand. One such example is Chelsea Green who is an import from the indie wrestling scene. To be specific, she made a name for herself via a short stint at the Impact Wrestling promotion.

Pictures: NXT Star Chelsea Green Says ‘Hot Mess’ Is Coming To WWE

Bombshell Chelsea Green Sees Herself As Bigger Draw On WWE NXT 2

Now Chelsea Green looks to be boasting about being the next big draw on the NXT roster. Ever since entering the world of NXT, fans have been excited to see how she could present herself upon arrival in the big league. To date, she hasn’t disappointed. Furthermore, now she is openly flaunting more of her character using social media that could be fruitful to her career.



Chelsea Green shared a tweet saying, “thinking girls with colored hair could possibly draw higher ratings than me. Laugh with me… L O L.”

It was quite the shot to the current NXT Women’s roster members as Zack Ryder’s girlfriend looks forward to building her own image as a heel on Wednesday nights. Alongside this, she also gave a view to her residing place.

Photos: NXT Bombshell Chelsea Green On Best Friend & Fiancée’s WWE Release


Backed up by someone like Robert Stone who always stays by her side is going to be a huge benefit for him. Additionally, such heel antics over social media could get her over as a heel in a different way. The bottom line is that Chelsea Green is constantly showing efforts to be a bigger star power and hopefully the creative team of NXT will notice her potential and set her up for the title picture in future, perhaps.


If that’s not enough then Chelsea Green does know how to get followers on social media. She likes to sport bikinis and often posts a glimpse of some scorching shots to heat up her Instagram account. The Robert Stone Brand representative posted another bikini video on Youtube showing off some of her favorite bikinis.

Bombshell Chelsea Green Sees Herself As Bigger Draw On WWE NXT 3

Chelsea Green was also found reviewing some of those bikinis for fans so that they can try them. With all these are ongoing around her, she’s getting quite a focus while fighting her way up in the women’s division.


In personal life, her boyfriend Zack Ryder had to depart the WWE brand, recently as WWE trimmed down the budget for this financial year amid global coronavirus pandemic.


Arindam Pal

A WWE writer passionate about the sports.